One of my favourite science "facts" is that, by diameter, you can fit the other planets into the gap between the Earth and the Moon.
An argument recently broke out on Facebook about the truth of this, which led me to Check The Numbers.
The Moon isn't always the same distance from the Earth. Its nearest point is called the perigee, furthest is the apogee.
The distance between the Earth and the Moon is 356,500 km at the perigee, and 406,700 km at the apogee.
The time-averaged distance is 385,000 km.
Those distances are from centre to centre. So, we should subtract half the diameter of the Earth (6378 km) and half the diameter of the Moon (1738 km). That's 8116 km. So:
Perigee: 348,385 km
Apogee: 398,585 km
Time-averaged: 376,885 km
So, I've reached (atomic no.) 46, which is cool cos it's palladium, Pd - named after the asteroid Pallas, after Pallas, slain by the Greek goddess of wisdom, handicraft & warfare (there's a combo, eh?), Athena.
Shall we have a little palladium thread? Since you insist...
It's a great catalyst & is used in catalytic converters, in cars, which help convert unburned HCs, CO, and NOx-es into carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water. And yes, CO₂ isn't great for the environment, BUT it's not so bad on the ground level. You win some, you lose some.
But it's spendy. More expensive than gold: it costs nearly £2k an ounce (~ £55/gram). It's dense, too (though the least dense of the Pt group metals) so that doesn't get you far. A cm³ of the stuff weighs about 21.5 g & would cost you something like £1200.
It's #WorldCancerDay so, let's talk about some of the utter nonsense that's promoted as cancer cure #quackery. Spoiler: none of them cure any kind of cancer. They might give you other health conditions to deal with, though.
(thread: 1/8)
MMS (sodium chlorite solution) & CD (chlorine dioxide). MMS is sold as "water purification drops" & it does do that. It's also touted as a cure for literally everything, inc. cancer. It doesn't cure anything. It does cause gastrointestinal distress.
Homeopathy: substances so extremely diluted in water or ethanol that no traces of the original molecule remain. In quite a few cases, that's a good thing--because the stuff in question is pretty nasty. Anyway, at best it's just sugar.
Many people have said lots of witty & moving things about #Discworld#TerryPratchett and the awful The Watch today.
I shall just add this.
They people behind this were told.
If this is a ‘mistake’, it is the equivalent of being warned not to climb Ben Nevis in flip flops and a pair of shorts whilst looking at the horizon and saying “oh, they’re just clouds, clouds can’t hurt anyone!”
The people who made this somehow, gods only know how, failed to recognise that @terryandrob and @rhipratchett are, deep in their hearts & souls, fans. They told them it was umpteen kinds of wrong. They were ignored and dismissed.