I know some women with #Endometriosis have had bad experiences with male OB-GYNs, but it was a male physician who finally suspected endometriosis when I ended up in the emergency room in so much pain. The several women OB-GYNs I had seen prior did not take my pain seriously. /1
I saw my first female OB-GYN not long after I started menstruating, because I was in enormous amounts of pain every time I had my period, curled up in the fetal position, unable to function, missing school. I was told this was "normal" and given anaprox. /2
Anaprox didn't help much. I'd end up spending hours in a hot bath in a vain attempt to control the pain. My periods were also extremely heavy and very irregular. I was told that was "normal" - things would settle down in time. The first OB-GYN I had seen then retired. /3
So I saw a new female OB-GYN. At age 18, she sent me for my first trans-vaginal ultrasound. I was a virgin. It was traumatic. The female OB-GYN recommended birth control pills. As a "proper Catholic schoolgirl" at the time, who was still a virgin, I had to be convinced. /4
Birth control pills were good for only one thing: regulating my period. They were still horrendously painful and very heavy. In grade 13 (we had OAC/grade 13 when I was in high school), I had to leave a final biology exam as I was in so much pain (I had just started BCPs). /5
I learned that I could manipulate when I had my period by changing when I took the placebo pills of my BCPs. That was the only thing that allowed me to make it through exams in university. I'd still miss class because I was in so much pain. /6
In 3rd year university, at one point I was in so much pain and vomiting, that the doctor at student health services sent me to emergency to rule out appendicitis. There, the emergency docs ran tests and took my history. They called on the OB-GYN on call. /7
That OB-GYN was a male. He was the first OB-GYN to take my pain seriously. Based on my history, he suspected #Endometriosis and suggested scheduling a laparoscopy to determine if that was the case, and to cauterize any endometriosis lesions he found. /8
No surprise, he found #Endometriosis. There was a name for the excruciating pain I experienced! I was fortunately pain-free for a few years post-surgery, but the pain would always return. I was finally prescribed some stronger painkillers at least. /9
When the pain would return, I would miss work, because I would be curled up, in the fetal position, unable to function, every time I had my period, even with painkillers. I had managers try to recommend treatment strategies for me (i.e. hysterectomy). /10
I tried continuous birth control. That didn't work for me (I'd have a period anyhow). A lot of other #Endometriosis treatments weren't recommended due to my low bone density thanks to my experience with #AnorexiaNervosa. I started having constant low-grade pain as well. /11
I'd occasionally have ovarian cysts that would show up on ultrasound but most endometriosis lesions couldn't be seen on ultrasound. I had lesions all over my uterus and both ovaries every time I had surgery. Finally, I had excision surgery, and have been pain-free since. /12
So for #EndometriosisAwarenessMonth I want everyone to know that the kind of pain you experience with #Endometriosis is not normal. I want physicians to believe women when they describe their pain. I'm thankful for that male OB-GYN who finally listed to me and for excision. /end
#NSLive20@mackinprof Prof Stuart Phillips - after the age of 50 there are muscle mass losses of 1% per year and muscle strength losses of up to 3% per year
Professor Phillips will discuss findings from his lab's review article: Protein Requirements and Optimal Intakes in Aging: Are We Ready to Recommend More Than the Recommended Daily Allowance #NSLive20pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29635313/
#NSLive20 More protein from dietary sources is associated with better retention of lean body mass and function - Prof Stuart Phillips