ICYMI: We’re challenging excessive redactions of #USPS chief DeJoy’s calendar.
USPS’s shifting arguments for hiding DeJoy’s calendars from #FOIA requests threaten to create blanket exemptions for practically any USPS records. americanoversight.org/american-overs…
On Friday, we submitted a brief challenging an argument from USPS that was used to justify the near-complete redaction of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s calendars. We’ve been fighting for these records for months, but USPS continues to obscure the documents.
In July 2020, we FOIA’d DeJoy’s calendars to investigate the undermining of USPS.
But in August, USPS rejected our FOIA, saying the “calendar maintained on a USPS computer” was for DeJoy's personal use and the entries ”are not agency records subject to the FOIA.”
In September, we sued for the records. The next month, USPS agreed to release DeJoy’s calendars.
Then, in December, USPS finally sent us calendars but almost every meaningful bit of information in the over 1,000 entries was redacted.
These calendars cover a contentious period of DeJoy’s tenure, marked by controversial decisions that reduced capacity and increased delays during the run-up to the election. The changes raised serious questions about political interference at USPS during these months.
USPS didn't specify which specific exemptions they are claiming applied to the individual redactions, as is generally required by the law.
USPS does have a specific FOIA exemption addressing commercial concerns because it competes with private-sector carriers. But applying that narrow exemption in the very broad way USPS has attempted here threatens to vastly expand what the agency could hold back.
“USPS’s radical arguments, if accepted by this Court, would convert specific, narrow FOIA exemptions into a blanket exemption for virtually any USPS record,” explains American Oversight’s brief, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
New: We obtained copies of phony electoral vote certificates from seven states that were submitted to Congress — part of a failed attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. americanoversight.org/american-overs…
The fake electoral certificates were assembled by Trump supporters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin who sought to replace valid presidential electors with bogus slates of pro-Trump electors.
The documents also show the names and signatures of the individuals who supported the effort to overturn the will of the people in their state. None of the certificates contains any indication that they list illegitimate slates of electors not chosen by those states' voters.
Voting rights have been increasingly under attack in the last decade. These efforts often aim to prevent people of color from voting.
This week, the Supreme Court is taking up a case that could undermine the remaining key provision of the Voting Rights Act.
The Voting Rights Act is the nation’s most effective defense against racially discriminatory voting policies, and it has countered discrimination and removed voting barriers across the country for decades.
But in 2013, the Supreme Court gutted Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, ruling in Shelby County v. Holder that states and localities with a history of voter discrimination no longer had to obtain DOJ approval to change voting procedures.
New: We’re challenging excessive redactions of USPS chief DeJoy’s calendar.
USPS’s shifting arguments for hiding DeJoy’s calendars from FOIA requests threaten to create blanket exemptions for practically any USPS records. americanoversight.org/american-overs…
Today, we submitted a brief challenging an argument from USPS that was used to justify the near-complete redaction of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s calendars. We’ve been fighting for these records for months, but USPS continues to obscure the documents.
In July 2020, we FOIA’d DeJoy’s calendars to investigate the undermining of USPS.
But in August, USPS rejected our FOIA, saying the “calendar maintained on a USPS computer” was for DeJoy's personal use and the entries ”are not agency records subject to the FOIA.”
New: We obtained new records of Stephen Miller’s communications from DOJ.
In one email, former AG Sessions praised Miller for a speech Donald Trump delivered to the United Nations that “would never have been said by Hillary.” americanoversight.org/document/doj-r…
Miller responded, “Thank you! I believe it was a historic moment.”
The records also show internal frustration with critical press coverage of the Trump administration’s family-separation policy. An official from the Office of Public Affairs considered a June 2018 Politico article a “hit piece on Sec. Nielsen and the zero tolerance policy.”
A bipartisan group of senators want to create an independent commission to assess the nation’s response to Covid-19 and future pandemic preparedness. This would go a long way toward understanding what went wrong, why, and how to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
"Months of cascading failures starting in the earliest days of the pandemic have led to untold numbers of preventable deaths,” said our @AREvers.
“This catastrophe, like 9/11 before it, will require a thorough investigation to hold those responsible accountable, and to make sure that we are prepared before the next pandemic hits.”
In June 2020, Postmaster General DeJoy hired four staffers with ties to his businesses.
New records show one of those staffers was informed his resume would be released in response to a FOIA before it was disclosed — in heavily redacted form. #FOIAFriday
On August 17, 2020, we sent a FOIA request to USPS for the resumes and SF-50s of employees who had been working in DeJoy’s office since June 15, 2020. americanoversight.org/document/foia-…
On September 8, a USPS HR manager emailed Patrick Fiorentino to let him know USPS received the FOIA request and that his resume would be provided in response. americanoversight.org/document/usps-…