🚨Andrej Ciesielski climbed on top of the Great Pyramid...Long time ago Sir Siemens did the same and understood the energy on top, at the place of the missing capstone which is the key to the machine, it powers the space time machine...
Siemens understood there was an extraordinary energy but he couldn't stock it : it's the reason of the global power grid they are building with Humans. Humankind will be trapped like fireflies in a box, like in their small size trial "flying generators"...
Humans have to understand who they are, understand what is their power and once understood ( and live in that power), they will understand they can overthrow "them" because they are deprived of it. And that has always fueled their jealousy. Humans are energy and can power it !🕊️
I sent that tweet yesterday, jealousy is a poison...
🚨Understand that it is the implementation of E. Macron's plan : 1 800 000 000 to inject in the #Qnami. E. Macron wants him and a few ELites to become sovereign in the Quantum, in the domination of quantum human beings.
With determination, he speaks of a technological shift (it is indeed the "Martian Technocracy of 1930 revisited in the 21st century style) that "France" will not miss (the people cannot escape it!). The dictatorship governs/controls the sovereign people of France.
1 800 000 000 € :
--> 430 million € for the Quantum universal computer which will control the entire grid, he describes it as being the "Holy Grail"...
🚨#CPAC 2021, the Conservative Political action Conference has just closed its doors (02/25 to 02/28) . It ended with D Trump address yesterday evening. It's the largest & the most influential conservative meeting in the world organized by the GOP, D Trump is their Mentor & Hero
But American conservatives are now aligned with extremists wanting a White American, they do no longer hide their intentions.
The design of the stage of the CPA2021was a Nazi symbol. It was intentional & fascist. It is the Odal Rune with seriffs (like wings) and used by the SS
belonging to the 7th volunteer mountain division stationed in occupied Yugoslavia.... Well, other people will tell you that the Odal rune dated back to Ancient Germany.Those who designed it perfectly knew it would raise conflicts. And indeed conflict raged....
@janayaish That man is an extremist, a Nazi sympathizer at the GOP.
The actor or hologram "Biden" is not real (there is not yet any @Potus46 ) and was a cover to come back in the Paris Agreement. (Continued)
@janayaish@POTUS46 As soon as D. Trump comes back, all that the (false) Biden signed and/or acted, will be NULL and VOID. But likely nothing was signed !
Propaganda, WEF and UN (the Financial system/ The Bankers) are just pretending he had returned to the Paris Agreement (Continued)
I read on the FINANCIAL EXPRESS, Bangladesh this afternoon that : " The C0P26 meeting is not far, and as the road block created by former US President is no more, there is good prospect ...(Continued)
Soyez extrêmement prudent avec le fourre-tout de l'économie circulaire. Ne créez pas d'industries, donc du moyen et long terme, pour RE- : RE- duire, RE-employer, RE-cycler ...
🚨Stop D. Trump political comeback ! STOP that propaganda ! He is NOT what he pretends to be and all the previous Presidents were just preparedness to his Advent. They just followed the Instructions of their scripts, their roadmaps.
MAGA D. Trump is NOT the Savior ! Understand who he is in that reversed world. All the ELites are in cahoots and work for the Empire. The worse you could do, Americans, would be to call him back.
There is no longer any federal government, it is gone with the Washington DC's bankruptcy in 2020... There is no longer any Captain leading the US Federation, J. Biden is playing a role, he just understudies D. Trump ...