2 major #Schistosoma species in Africa S. mansoni (GI) & S. haematobium (GU). Both species are endemic to Madagascar, where S. mansoni in eastern, central, southern regions & S. haematobium predominant in northwest & west coast. Both species coexist in certain irrigated regions
#schistosomiasis cercarial larvae penetrate skin of human hosts➡️migrate through circulatory system➡️liver: transform into young worms & mature into adults in portal vein. Adult worms migrate to mesenteric (S. mansoni) or perivesical venous plexus (S. haematobium)➡️eggs
eggs can embolize to other organs or become entrapped in tissues while en route to bladder or intestine. Once deposited, eggs secrete proteolytic enzymes➡️granulomatous reactions&fibrosis in tissues➡️portal/pulmonary HTN. host immune response to #schistosome eggs➡️clinical dz
gold standard dx #schistosomiasis imicroscopic exam of urine, stool, or tissues for ova. Ab assays are sensitive, though do not distinguish b/w active & chronic dz. PCR for species identification. Radiology for pathognomonic signs as bladder calcification in S. haematobium
S haematobium: urinary #schistosomiasis hematuria, later bladder calcification, hydronephrosis, renal failure & bladder cancer
S mansoni egg deposition in liver can cause periportal fibrosis leading to portal HTN & GI varices
pulmonary #schistosomiasis ova embolize to lung via portosystemic collateral blood vessels (Smansoni) or rarely direct via IVC (Shaematobium) Granuloma in rx to ova in pulmonary arterioles➡️fibrosis➡️granulomatous endarteritis complication:thrombus, cor pulmonale, AVfistula
#idboardreview 40 pig farmer recently got abrasions to his arms and face during a hike, also had duck bite to his finger, presents w/ fever & diffuse annular body rash. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#idtwitter
Gram-positive facultative anaerobe rod #Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. Mainly an occupationally acquired zoonosis transmitted by feces, water, soil, or food scraps contaminated by a wide variety of mammals, birds, and fish
#erysipelothrix is acquired through puncture wounds & scratches of the skin. Occupational zoonosis of butchers, veterinarians, and fishermen. Most important reservoir is healthy domestic swine, up to half of which harbor it their tonsils
#idboardreview 40 F returned from Europe 2 wks ago, has been tired, now w/ F & rash on face quickly spread to trunk & legs involves palms & soles. Pharyngeal erythema, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, mild transaminitis. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#IDtwitter
#measles negative-stranded RNA virus that belongs to the genus ‘Morbillivirus’, hence the term morbilliform rash
From Jan-Se2019 >1,200 cases of #measles greatest # of cases in 🇺🇸 since 1992. occurs primarily among unvaccinated children/young adults. Spread via droplet nuclei when an infected person coughs or sneezes. most contagious vaccine-preventable dz w/ 2ndry attack rate 90%
#idboardreview 2 kidney transplant recipients post day 20 present w/ altered mental status, neutrophilic pleocytosis, MRI ring enhancing lesion. No improvement on abx & antivirals. Same donor died w/ dx of ADEM/exposure to wading pool. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmesEd#idtwitter
#Balamuthia amebas can infect skin, brain & other organs of the body. Can begin with skin wound on face, trunk, or limbs & progress to granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE).
Diagnosis of Balamuthia GAE can be difficult because symptoms are not specific to GAE
#acanthamoeba rapidly progressive meningoencephalitis & uncontrollable cerebral edema, resulting in death from increased intracranial pressure w/in few days after presentation & no response to broad-spectrum abx, antiviral, antifungal, and immune-modulation therapies
#idboardreview 70 F presents w/ fever, myalgia, dyspnea: CXR RLL pneumonia/effusion, resp fail leading to death. Her dog recently died who was seen with rabbit caracass. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#idtwitter