#idboardreview 70 F presents w/ fever, myalgia, dyspnea: CXR RLL pneumonia/effusion, resp fail leading to death. Her dog recently died who was seen with rabbit caracass. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#idtwitter
#tularemia dx: culture is definitive. Clinical suspicion leads to appropriate specimens: swabs or scrapings of skin lesions, lymph node aspirates or biopsies, pharyngeal swabs, sputum specimens, gastric aspirates. Paradoxically, blood cultures are often negative.
#tularemia serology (4x increase in 4 wks), PCR can be helpful. Tx: streptomycin x10d. Alternative: tetracycline x14d
#idboardreview 40 F multiple sclerosis on natalizumab presents w/ coordination difficulties and cognitive impairment. MRI non-enhancing subcortical white matter frontal lesions hyperintense on T2 & hypointense on T1. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#IDtwitter
#idboardreview 50 F recent dental infection presents 4d of fever, R headache, L weakness. MRI ring enhancing lesion & aspirate w/ GPC ‘balls of yarn’ 🧶 diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#IDtwitter
MRI demonstrate a ring enhancing lesion in R frontal lobe with vivid central restricted diffusion. The enhancing component has a complete low T2 rim #brain abscess Ref: radiopaedia.org/cases/cerebral…
#idboardreview 50 M unstable housing presents w/ fever, hip & knee pain and swelling. Knee aspirate shows gram negative rod in chains w/ lateral bulbar swelling. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#IDTwitter
#Streptobacillus moniliformis, the etiologic agent of rat-bite fever
#Streptobacillus moniliformis highly pleomorphic, filamentous GNR nonmotile, non–acid-fast; may be fusiform & develop lateral bulbar swellings. 2 variants: L form: cell wall deficient nonpathogenic. Spontaneous conversion between 2 forms may be responsible for clinical relapses
#IdBoardReview 20 F pet store worker presents w/ fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, abd pain & bloody diarrhea. They got new puppies last wk. Stool gram stain shown R to macrolide & FQ. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmedEd#IDTwitter
#campylobacter Incubation period is typically 2-5days. Sx: diarrhea (frequently bloody), abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. More severe illness can occur, including bloodstream infection and symptoms mimicking acute appendicitis or ulcerative colitis.
#idboardreview 30 F 2nd/3rd molar pain now presents w/ fever, rapid bilateral cardboard swelling of neck, mouth open w/ tongue touching the palate. Diagnosis? #medEd#idmeded#IDTwitter
#ludwigs#angina loose term for infections of sublingual, submaxillary & submandibular spaces, always bilateral, rapid indurated cellulitis w/o lymphadenopathy w/o abscess. Behind from floor of mouth
#ludwigs#angina 50-90% dental source mostly 2/3rd msndibular molars. Brawny, woody, cardboardlike submandibular swelling that doesn’t pit. Mouth open due to swelling of tongue.