I am seeing a massive number of higher ed jobs with salaries under 30,000.
It’s 2021.
Everything costs more generally but even more so BC of the panoramic.
Has anyone considered how completely unethical it is to offer this substandard salary generally but especially now??
The worse part is, some of the salaries *for full-time employment* are similar to those of graduate students who only work part-time AND report they can't afford to live off these salaries?
The burden and disparities this is and will continue to cause higher ed are profound.
For one, most first-gen and low-income graduates cannot afford to exist with these salaries when they have no social safety net. That means your applicant pool will be full of people who can afford to take a low salary for "experience" because they have other resources.
You know what’s funny about this? Many men *sings* love to make babies because they know it’s socially acceptable for them to do the bare minimum work or none at all.
When I was in my 20s and still undecided about kids, I laid my cards on the table for the men I seriously dated—
When I laid out my expectations for procreation, they all had a aneurysm.
I didn’t even ask for a lot: marriage, private school, FL tutors, nanny/ day care, health care, house with lots of space, meal delivery service, cleaning service 2x a month, I keep my career, etc.
Now— if you grew up solidly upper middle class or better, every thing on that list is normal as hell.
But many of them went on about how I was being unreasonable. No. I realized early in my 20s that I couldn’t have the life I envisioned for myself without all those things.
Our foster care system is already incredibly broken and understaffed/ served.
Many children in the system experience conditions no one should be subjected to.
If men want to control pregnancy, they should use condoms, get vasectomies, and abstain.
I have so many questions.
When men try to introduce bills like this.
1. Is he on the hook for her pregnancy care? 2. If she dies in labor, is he ab accessory to her murder? 3. If a woman wants nothing to do with the child, will he be legally forced to take on 100% of the child’s care.
I’m tired of TV shows doing this whole husband has a mid life crisis, leaves his wife/ family, and then he starts pining after the wife’s single, childless friend.
Single, childfree women want their own men. And we def don’t want the used up ones that are close.
After that, donate to orgs/ groups like Urban Word who help young Black & brown spoken word poets today so you can help fund the next Amanda Gorman of tomorrow.
Since somma y’all new & lacking reading comprehension, let me help:
Amanda’s Black elite access underscores my larger point—there are Black youth artists this country WILL NEVER see with equal+ talent BECAUSE of their schools. We are NOT the talented 10th alone.