@DrBritWilliams on 🦋sky Profile picture
PhD-I study Women @ work, health: HIV/ cancer, & social class via EDU | 1stGen | 🌱 based | #CiteASista & #SisterPhD | 🩷💚 | #GoDawgs Views = Mine | 1of1
Dec 12, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
There’s a very specific reason a lot of Black academics don’t end up together and I promise you’re not ready for the answer…. 🙈 1. Many of the men are gay. Too many cishet men are allergic to academic excellence. 🫣

2. The 2 body problem is harder for Black academics than white ones. IYKYK.

3. You shouldn’t be in competition with your spouse— & well… cishet men be… 😬

4. People partner by values.
Apr 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
When I got to college in the late Y2K era, free Palestine was one of those things I only heard from edgy Jews, kids of academics, and Black radicals.

The wildest part of * everything* is that I’m convinced the overreaction & hyper state violence to quash FP is elevating it… Yes. Okay. People are learning more.

But I am not sure, as a deep reader of higher ed history, that this many protests would have even popped off this week if the hyper policed response had not happen.

Their brutality is communicating to students that protestors are right…
Nov 19, 2022 45 tweets 9 min read
OK— w/ twitter possibly collapsing, here’s a thread of 25* +/- things I’ve learned in or about the academy that I wish every Black woman, first gen, low income, LGBT+, all the above, etc. grad student should know, learn, or do.

*25 = 1 for every yr I spent in formal EDU. 🫶🏽🫣 1/ Never enroll in a graduate program with less than 2 people who you want to work with.

Ain’t nobody got time for “I came here for *1 person*” and you being mad that they left. Academics are humans & can change jobs. Plan accordingly.


Bonus read: drbritwilliams.medium.com/so-you-think-y…
Dec 21, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Hi. I noticed a lot of you have been diagnosed with Covid recently. I had that unfortunate experience 2 weeks ago. #OmicronGotMe

I am freshly out of quarantine & have some tips. This is not official medical advice as I’m not an MD.

But I did just fight for my life and win. 1/ Actually quarantine. I know that sounds ridiculous but I’ve seen folx who definitely prob have Covid playing. Don’t be them. Save other folx.

I applied Vicks to my chest 3x a day. I used a Vicks vapor humidifier thingy too. Get the liquid Vicks to drop in. If you can. 2/
Dec 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I voted last time with little fanfare BC I didn’t feel particularly moved. I expected interest convergence x neoliberalist norms… but we are rly next level reaping the sexism folx sowed. Elizabeth Warren, most recommended by Black women, was right there. Y’all don’t listen. With respect to the Khive folx, many of us knew she didn’t stand a chance. AND there were some valid critiques.

But Elizabeth Warren was light years ahead of the entire grid. It wasn’t even close.
Oct 9, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I feel this thread. One of the reasons I give blanket extensions is BC I’m the only Black woman in my dept. I get enough misogynoir in my teaching evals, I’m not about to add on this. So I understand.

It does make even more work for me later, so I give little to no feedback. I will say, I find these conversations cringe because some students never give faculty any grace. They don’t care.

Part of these #AcademicTwitter convos around extensions, ethics of care, etc. need to consider how students back faculty (esp. w/ marginalized IDs) into corners.
Aug 6, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
If you think having the means to support your child (adult or not) but letting them live on the streets is “tough love,” you don’t deserve kids.

I truly hate anyone who can show disdain towards a life they created *without the input* of said person. We didn’t ask to be born. We are living in times of extreme wealth inequality. Extreme food and housing insecurity to match. And you think tough love is what folks need?

18 years is just a start. It’s only a piece of what you owe your kids. And for someone who has borderline limitless wealth? Plz.
Mar 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I think I’m about to cancel my students final paper. 😂

They all turned in drafts and honestly, it’s fine.

🤷🏽‍♀️ I gave them an option.

Tiered grades based on how much I read on the draft. Take it and be done.

Or turn in the final and your grade can only go up. 🤷🏽‍♀️

This is probably going to ruin my teaching evals for the semester but I feel better BC if I am stressed I know they are.
Feb 13, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
I am seeing a massive number of higher ed jobs with salaries under 30,000.

It’s 2021.
Everything costs more generally but even more so BC of the panoramic.

Has anyone considered how completely unethical it is to offer this substandard salary generally but especially now?? The worse part is, some of the salaries *for full-time employment* are similar to those of graduate students who only work part-time AND report they can't afford to live off these salaries?

The burden and disparities this is and will continue to cause higher ed are profound.
Feb 12, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
You know what’s funny about this? Many men *sings* love to make babies because they know it’s socially acceptable for them to do the bare minimum work or none at all.

When I was in my 20s and still undecided about kids, I laid my cards on the table for the men I seriously dated— When I laid out my expectations for procreation, they all had a aneurysm.

I didn’t even ask for a lot: marriage, private school, FL tutors, nanny/ day care, health care, house with lots of space, meal delivery service, cleaning service 2x a month, I keep my career, etc.
Feb 12, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
It’s so upsetting because so much of this is about control.

Men get online and bitch about child support every day. Reveal themselves to be lazy deadbeats every day.

I don’t know what the answer is. But women being forced into motherhood isn’t it. This can’t be real life. Our foster care system is already incredibly broken and understaffed/ served.

Many children in the system experience conditions no one should be subjected to.

If men want to control pregnancy, they should use condoms, get vasectomies, and abstain.

I have so many questions.
Feb 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m tired of TV shows doing this whole husband has a mid life crisis, leaves his wife/ family, and then he starts pining after the wife’s single, childless friend.

Single, childfree women want their own men. And we def don’t want the used up ones that are close.

#FireflyLane I was not ready for this *CW*
R*pe scene. JFC, Netflix.

Jan 21, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
So y’all really wasn’t going to tell the kid that every episode of The Nanny is streaming on Roku?

I’m so excited. @frandrescher #TheNanny #FranFine Skskskksksksk Ci Ci is a wreck. From the very opening. 😂 #TheNanny
Jan 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
There’s an Amanda Gorman at every HS you call underperforming, inner city, and/or the G word.

Honor. Black. Students. Art.

#InaugurationDay This tweet is doing numbers. So #CiteASista.

After that, donate to orgs/ groups like Urban Word who help young Black & brown spoken word poets today so you can help fund the next Amanda Gorman of tomorrow.


Jan 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Y’all weird. What do you think Black people who grew up in Black spaces but are now outside Black enclaves feel like?

I’m annoyed, yet I have everything I need to protect myself.

Pretending like this heightened open hostility is new is disingenuous. And weird. Being from Atlanta shielded me from a lot of 1:1 stupid stuff y’all experienced. Including racist K12 teachers 😂.

So forgive me if even though I’ve attended/ worked at PWIs I’m processing the current open hostility different. I grew up reading about this, not living it daily.
Jan 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The number of folks who misunderstand the Rev. Dr. due to white folks’ sanitizing of his radical beliefs, ideas, etc. for propaganda is extremely high.

Yes, we were indeed integrated into a burning house. To pretend King was liked, softer is to ignore his words.

#MLKDay2021 The use of King’s image, articulation, etc. out of context benefits institutions upholding white supremacist neoliberal values BC so many of us refuse to read & comprehend him for ourselves.

Y’all have been duped by the intentional pitting of X against King.

May 30, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
There’s something to be said about strategy in #Atlanta. Buckhead is not the most welcoming place sometimes; many business owners are racist, && welp.

I cannot wait to read about last night in a book. I hope some of you who were there are journaling! Just don’t post online. Speaking of— y’all need to start going low tech before these protests. Leave your cell phones at HOME! Geo location tagging, social media, etc. leave digital footprints.

Use a flip phone— they sell them at Walmart. I’m dead serious too. Ask me how I know?

May 29, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Thinking about social class in the academy. We've spent some time the last few months discussing being on the TT market, gig economy, the adjunct trap etc. But I'm curious to know: For low-income folks what do you do between graduation and beginning your TT position? Were you able to save enough money to support your post-grad slump as a graduate student?

Did you marry a financially stable partner?

Are you working multiple low wage jobs?

Did you plan ahead and get some adjunct roles?

How do you sustain between May and August?