‘Returns on social infrastructure’ and social R&D are topics that really resonate with me at the moment. Post covid renewal and recovery will depend on our ability to rebuild our social fabric in imaginative and creative ways. #SocEnt#socialinnovation
If the 90s-2020s Digital Revolution was the era that transformed society through mass adoption of digital infrastructure, hoping the 20s-2050s will unlock an equivalent Social Revolution that increases wellbeing & inclusion through renewed social infrastructure & human connection
I’ve been pondering for a few years now what restorative public services might be like in a circular economy sense. Instead of being an extractive wasteful race to the bottom, being a multiplier of nascent social capital and restorer of dignity, diversity, community and belonging
Local gov has an important role here. Just one caveat on avoiding class-based white saviour syndrome that entrenches middle-class privilege through a well meaning but calumnious view of what it means to be working class. Being working class isn’t the problem, poverty is.
I’m proud of my #workingclass heritage, culture, values & ‘our’ contribution to wider society. As a child I was always called ‘our Andrea’ by family and neighbours in the council estate. It’s always stayed with me like being wrapped in a warm blanket. #community#partofsomething
Reflecting today on what great leadership looks like. I have been very fortunate to have worked with really inspiring leaders over the years. Here are my top three favourite leadership qualities...1/4
2/4 Don’t assume anything. It’s probably the most obvious but, as Mark Twain might have said ‘it ain’t what you don”t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so’. Be prepared to be surprised by things that are not on your radar & own your bias.
3/4 No matter how urgent/important the work is, be human first. ‘Checking-in’ and ‘icebreakers’ are often viewed with a justifiable amount of cynicism, particularly when done badly. But ‘creating space’ to build trust is essential to all great leaders (+ teams) I’ve worked with.