What most don’t realize is that Singh completely understands the division of responsibility. What he’s doing repeatedly is selling acceptance of nationalization of all authority.
Meaning, he’s promoting autocracy replace the constitution.
People keep stating Jagmeet Singh doesn’t understand section 90 and 91 of the constitution.
He does understand. What he’s doing is recommending the federal government override those sections and impose central authority to get policy implemented.
That’s a big difference.
We must stop mislabeling politicians rhetoric and call it out for what it actually is.
Singh is repeatedly recommending a central overall authority.
But that’s not how Canada is set up. Canada is a confederation of 13 separate authorities. Ten provinces and 3 territories.
All agree to abide by the constitution that gives every individual rights and freedoms in any location. But each region retains semi autonomy to manage the more mundane aspects of society. Like education, health, law enforcement, emergency services, property taxes, etc.
This is referred to as separation of powers and ensures autocracy cannot be obtained by the federal government or any one province/territory within confederation.
The constitution was designed to prevent dictatorship and restrict governance to democratic methods.
There was a point in Canada’s past that individuals did not pay federal taxes. Revenue was collected from trade and other means. National Security, foreign relations and national policy regarding federal purview were the domain of federal MPs. That still remains true.
But the nation has evolved over time & the federal govt began personal income tax to collect revenue during WW1. After the war taxes were maintained & redistributed to provinces with lower revenues. That’s equalization. The provinces with more revenue share with those with less.
What’s interesting is Alberta began confederation as a “have not” province. Many farmers were land owners, but taxes were low because it was subsistence farming.
This was long before universal healthcare.
So the poor died or begged for aid from faith institutions.
Life became so miserable in SK and AB that provincial govt’s adopted public health insurance. One was CCF Douglas in SK and other was SC Manning in AB. That’s how Canada moved towards universal healthcare. Completely destitute dying in droves.
That’s what the conservatives want to return to. A reduced tax environment where the poor didn’t matter and existed at the mercy of charitable faith institutions. The era before public health insurance.
Really people, read some history.
What the NDP has adopted is a more hardline socialist/communist vision of Canada.
Socialism and communism believe in a strong central government that controls all aspects of legal, social and political power. Regional & municipal power is limited to implementing central policy.
This is how communist Soviet Union was run. Using democratic centralism. Designed by Lenin to quell dissent and resistance to policy edicts from central authority.
It’s basically the reason I’m not a socialist. I don’t believe in an all powerful central authority that decides what’s best for the collective. That’s also known as absolute power.
I do not support NDP because Singh & so many of the party’s supporters and pundits are advocating for a centralized government.
That’s their solution to the difficulty democracy creates in agreeing on a policy that meets the needs of the population.
That’s the central argument behind the current federal NDP.
Because democracy has not produced a fair and equal society, moving to a centralized authority can force equality to provide for all citizens needs, not just the majority.
That’s not what democracy means to me or most Canadians.
Democracy is how governance is administered, not the decisions and policies that are made.
It’s about negotiation, cooperation, compromise and public engagement. It is not ordering decrees.
What’s happened over the last 20-40 years in Canada is an active effort to undermine democracy. By both conservatives and hardline socialists.
This is the common goal of socialists and far right. To eliminate democracy and impose autocratic forms of governance.
Conservatives would design it at the local level. Like war lords.
Socialists would design it at the federal centralized level. Like Leninist communism.
Neither are actually governance models Canada’s constitution currently supports.
Currently, and since confederation in 1867, the constitution provides different areas of authority to different levels of government.
Which forces all levels of government to work together.
Conservatives have taken over most provincial govt, refusing to cooperate or compromise with the federal government. Using obstructionism, populist rhetoric and open hostility to gain regional support.
Ditto the NDP. Horgan is no different than conservative premiers.
Because their ultimate goal is the same.
Remove democracy from governance and replace it with an autocratic model.
That isn’t anything I care to support.
Canadians need to understand that calling something democratic doesn’t mean it’s democratic in nature.
One look across the globe will confirm the “democracy”misnomer phenomenon. (Republic means power in public’s hands so roughly it means democracy).
Deliberative democracy is actually democracy. It involves the population being engaged and informed. Neither conservatives nor socialists support this form of democracy. But the Liberals aren’t very good at it either.
Do you think that may be due to the fact that actual democracy is being attacked from both ends of the political spectrum?
Do you think that real democracy would run a lot better if we restricted our efforts to deliberative democracy vs populist BS?
Doesn’t this sound like the approach Liberals are attempting, but not quite succeeding at?
If you read through every tweet, you’ll recognize many of the same tactics were used by Harper and CPC that Trump used to damage American democracy. His party was plagued with many of the same kind of scandals and corrupt politicians.
The similarities are uncanny and impossible to miss. A telltale sign that this strategy is planned, coordinated and organized.
If you look elsewhere across the globe, you’ll notice it’s the same story being repeated.
I’m watching the movement build in real time. Radio interviews, network video interviews. Widespread condemnation of Christian prosecution from pastors and Christian Networks. Definitely a martyr complex being built in.
Main theme is God’s commandments and laws supersede secular laws.
Applied outside of Public Health, this poses a significant law enforcement conundrum and legal nightmare.
Other pastors from across North America have been spreading the lie that pastor Coates is being prosecuted for preaching about god. He’s being prosecuted for flavouring the public health orders for public safety from covid for months.
This is no longer local. Evangelical Christians have elevated him to martyr status. And this is being propagated across Canada, US and Mexico at evangelical pulpits, on social media and network Christian news.
All because a pastor refused to follow the public health orders.
This feeds into Q’Anon and Christian Nationalist narratives.