Peristiwa ini menjadi penting tatkala ibadat solat diperintahkan Allah SWT membawa maksud besar dalam mencegah serta melawan kemungkaran dan menghidupkan sikap mulia di tengah masyarakat, melebihi dari pengertian ibadah dan ritual biasa.
"Sesungguhnya solat itu mencegah daripada perbuatan keji dan mungkar" (Surah al Ankabut: 45).
This morning I received a courtesy call from the High Commissioner of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Dr. Ramadhani K. Dau, at the office.
We discussed various matters pertaining to the close bilateral relations between Malaysia and Tanzania.
The United Republic of Tanzania is a country in East Africa, and Malaysian export to Tanzania in 2018 amounts to US$149.69 million. The country is also known for having the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro.
This year’s theme for the IWD is a theme that brings awareness on the importance of gender equality alongside intensifying our effort in bringing it to the forefront of all important sectors,
-including women’s leadership on every angle and corner.
In a narrative of #ChooseToChallenge or #MemilihUntukMencabar this year, I urge that we take an approach to uplift the honour of mankind (karamah insaniyyah) which will not compromise on the issue of injustice and oppression cutting across gender line.
Tema yg diangkat pada tahun ini adalah tema yg membawa kesedaran terhadap kepentingan kesaksamaan jantina serta meningkatkan usaha kita dlm mengarusperdanakan kesaksamaan jantina dlm semua sektor yg penting,
-termasuk kepimpinan wanita di setiap penjuru dan ruang yang munasabah.
Dalam naratif #ChooseToChallenge atau #MemilihUntukMencabar pada tahun ini, saya menganjurkan agar kita mengambil pendekatan mengangkat martabat insan (karamah insaniyyah) yang jelas tidak akan kompromi dengan segala penindasan dan kezaliman merentas jantina.
French President Emmanuel Macron's statement that Islam is facing a crisis around the world is offensive as it is unreasonable. It promotes the very impasse it seeks to denounce.
More importantly, it makes the ‘problem’ exclusively a Muslim affair rather than a pernicious perspective embedded in doctrinaire French laïcité.
There is no defence for the violence and murders of the men of blood, the misguided homicidal monsters who pervert Islam. Macron himself has, on occasion, recognised informed definition of the complex origins and aberrant nature of this modern scourge.