I think I need to explain what Meghan Markle meant when she said this. I shouldn't, but apparently I must.
"When I joined that family, that was the last time, until we came here, that I saw my passport, my driver's licence [license], my keys. All that gets turned over." /1
Twist it however you want, but the moment she married Harry, she didn't have access to all of the things that all American women just take for granted in our daily lives. /2
The minute Meghan Markle became Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, someone else took possession of her *United States passport* to make travel arrangements for her. She couldn't go to a website to make arrangements for herself. /3
This is the "Why isn't primary candidate Hillary Clinton giving us daily press conferences?" CNN counter of 2021. They're just sad they can't get "gotcha" quotes from the person they want to get them from.
You're getting press conferences. There's a @PressSec.
We went weeks without getting press conferences at all from the Trump administration. When we did get them, they were aired live. We get them every day now, and the press bitches and complains.
I've gotten nearly as many trolls for defending Meghan Markle as I did in 2016 for supporting Hillary over Bernie, Hillary over Trump, and tgeb in 2020 for supporting Biden over Bernie and then again over Trump. /1
These are annoying me even more, though, because they're trying to target my inner Karen. And my inner Karen is still a scrappy girl from Erie, PA who had to work for her all the shit she's got and would die of shame if she cried because she got an e-mail at 5:00 a.m. /2
And my inner Karen would definitely send a dish back if she asked for no eggs and the dish came to her full of eggs. My inner Karen is still Team Meghan, ya jagoffs. /3
What's outrageous is that the GOP is authoritarian and simply doesn't believe in democracy. This was a choice. They could have run on policy differences, both economic and foreign, and adjusted as the country grew around them. They have chosen racism, fear, and fascism.
I'm a bit more hawkish on FP than the average Democrat and, until the GOP aligned with *Putin*, I could often be swayed over to their side. Not now.
They gave up long-term goals for short-term gain. I wish I could say that they're the one's who'll pay for it, but America has been damaged by it. Our institutions have been ravaged. Our international standing is in tatters.
This investigation by Buckingham Palace into supposed bullying is unprecedented because no one in The Firm has had to take orders from a Black woman--or any Black person--before.
That's all this is. Courtiers take orders from spoiled brats who think they've been chosen by God.
There is no way you can make me believe that a woman who just married in--a 36-year-old woman whose former co-workers never had but nice words to say about her--swept in and bullied workers in something referred to as The Firm.
No one was shaking in their well-heeled boots over her reactions to their work. They've served the Queen and her self-righteous offspring for decades. These are people taught to make themselves invisible when their betters walk down the hallway.