If you're curious what our guiding principles are in regards to harm reduction and tobacco, the following tweets contain the principles we developed years ago after deeply listening to pioneers in other harm reduction fields.
We understand many have different goals (prohibition, tax revenue, politics, etc), but these principles are proven to work for improving the lives of our neighbors who bear the risk.
That is our mission.
Focus on People
We acknowledge that nicotine use is a part of many cultures and we choose to help minimize the negative effects of harmful delivery methods on the users and their communities rather than simply ignore, stigmatize, tax, or condemn them.
Acknowledge Complexity
We understand nicotine use is a complex situation encompassing a continuum of behaviors from smoking tobacco to total abstinence, and acknowledge that some ways of using nicotine are significantly safer than others.
No Stigmatization
We believe in non-stigmatizing, non-coercive support for people who smoke cigarettes and their communities in order to assist them in reducing related harm.
Empowering Users
We believe people who use nicotine are the primary agents of reducing the harms they may face, and we seek to empower them to share information and support each other in strategies which meet their actual needs.
Open Ears
We believe people who use nicotine should have a real voice in the creation of programs and policies designed to serve them.
Open Hearts
We recognize that poverty, discrimination, family history, medical pre-disposition, and choices in adolescence affect both people’s vulnerability to and capacity for effectively dealing with smoking-related harm.
Open Eyes
We will not minimize or ignore the real and tragic damage associated with smoking or other harmful nicotine delivery methods.
If you'd like to see how we put these harm reduction principles into action, please watch our film on the ibex Roku channel or online here:
A message from our director, @Biebert: I hope you and your loved ones are doing well through all this. We wanted to give you a quick update to keep you in the loop while you navigate this difficult season.
With CDC guidance urging venues around the US to close events into mid-May, we have no choice but to postpone our Milwaukee red carpet premiere event on May 3rd until a later date.
I am truly sorry.
I’ve tried to build my career on a reputation of honoring my commitments.
Our team has been watching the #COVID19 situation for months and we pushed our initial plans beyond March/April and into May to give it time.