2/Biden's relief bill has no less than FIVE major cash benefit programs ($1400 checks, Pandemic UI, rental assistance, health care assistance, and the child tax credit).
3/When I was a kid, everyone was worried about welfare dependency and poor people being paid not to work. Workfare thus became the most popular approach.
1/In this @bopinion post, I talk about how the pandemic might change our view of the software industry's productivity and value -- and more importantly, how it might make the software industry more productive and valuable in reality!
I was always hoping for Twitter to turn into a giant flame war between partisans of Golden Grahams and Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but it hasn't happened yet
1/Today's @bopinion post is about how Clubhouse, Substack, TikTok, and other new social media are helping move public discussion away from Twitter, and in doing so are helping to build a better Internet.