Behind the Scenes events are known to God. Always be careful to judge people that you don't know their "behind the scenes" Examples in the bible are Job, Daniel among others.
Behind the Scenes events happen for some reasons which are;
a) God's Preservation for Our Life
Many a time it happens without our knowledge and we feel its trouble, but its working for our good.
Examples are: 1. Abraham and his wife Sarah. 2. Paul.
This message is not to psyche us up to feel highly of ourselves, but God Himself has placed a worth non comparable to any other on we His children.
Worth can not be identified nor measured physically.
Your real worth is as your father in heaven sees you.
Matthew 6 vs 28-31, shows us how much attention He gives to the plants, tending them yet we are recipients of much more of His attention, therefore our situations have His attention.