This week the Government introduced legislation that will reduce the coronavirus supplement to $150 per fortnight and extend the supplement to March 2021.
We managed to refer it to a Senate inquiry for scrutiny however we've only been given a small amount of time to conduct the inquiry as the Government wants to pass it before the end of the year and there are only two sitting weeks left.
I encourage people to make a submission to this inquiry. These can be submitted by individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals about the bill.
It's so important we hear from the people who will be impacted by this cut.
When the COVID Supplement is reduced by a further $100 a fortnight on January 1, jobseekers, single parents, and students will be forced to live off payments of only $50 a day.
1. It makes it difficult to find and maintain work 2. It makes it near impossible to afford necessary medication 3. It makes it difficult to afford to visit the GP when you’re unwell
4. It makes it near impossible to afford specialist medical appointments 5. It makes it near impossible to access mental health services and supports 6. It makes it near impossible to afford mobility aids
Social service policies that push people into poverty cause stress and anxiety and part of looking after mental health in this country is ensuring that we keep people out of poverty and look after their wellbeing.
We are calling on the Government to urgently release the final Productivity Commission report into Mental Health and the final report of the MBS Taskforce’s recommendations regarding Medicare-funded mental health care items.
The Government has today introduced legislation that will make the #CashlessDebitCard permanent in the current trial sites and introduce it to the Northern Territory and Cape York.
This is a toxic piece of legislation. This card is denying people their dignity & quality of life
The Minister needs to come clean about whether the pause on new #Jobseeker recipients being placed on the Cashless Debit Card will continue or not.
It is highly likely that people newly on income support will now be put on the card.
Just because people are without employment it does not mean that they cannot manage their finances. It is insulting and paternalistic.
This Government has an agenda and it is stigmatising and demeaning people who need to access the social safety net.
Nearly thirty years later, we’re still calling for: decriminalisation of minor offences like fine default, making prison a last resort, funding for culturally sensitive health & mental health services & implementation of audits to track gov progress.
The Community Affairs References Committee releases their report into the Adequacy of #Newstart today.
The senate referred this in July last year and heard evidence from from well respected institutions and think tanks & most importantly income support recipients themselves.
The report has now been tabled and the committee has recommended an increase to the #JobSeeker Payment, #YouthAllowance and Parenting Payment rates to ensure people do not live in poverty.