So - pretty sure I just figured out a way you could get End to End Encryption for some or all of your @RoamResearch notes - as an open source #roamjs plugin - right now.
I'll sketch the idea out in this thread, and in 2 weeks, will award 10k to those who push the idea furthest
I'll also share another big decision we've made -- this week (if God wills it, inshallah, 🤞) we'll be shipping the first version of #roamdepot - an easy way to discover and install themes, javascript plugins, and community developed features that have been vetted by Roam team.
The obvious move would be to have #roamdepot be a marketplace - but we want to make sure the folks building free plugins are rewarded too - so to start we'll be distributing a portion of our revenue back to plugin authors based on installs and reviews.
Throwback to [[June 24th 2016]] - playing with @TheTedNelson's zzStruct demo
Would be incredible to navigate twitter threads like this
A few days later - trying to design a visual interface for a youtube filter that could express -- Videos about chemistry, favorited by accounts I follow, created by a user who is followed by 3 friends....
and you think my design was bad in 2018 :)
Two years later, starting to look almost like @RoamResearch