In theory, everyone living in the EU has skin in the game in the COVID reaction, because if we screw it they and their families are at higher risk of being infected.
2/ One problem of the interconnected world is that skin in the game must be faster in its action. That's because it's faster and easier than ever to make a mistake that affects millions.
3/ In practice, to avoid major disasters, skin in the game must either have some element of quasi certainty (you will get sick, you will get caught).
2/ Can we estimate a measure of the infections risks, so that we can free from the lockdowns all activities that are low-risk, while keeping away from the few high-risk ones?
The answer is yes.
3/ Let's begin with the basics. The probability of infection depends on the viral load we receive (i.e., the cumulative number of virus particles breathed in).
The denser the virus in the air, the higher the load.
Similarly, the longer we inhale, the higher the load.
And if by any chance you get an offer at a company you don’t like, just refuse. You’ll still gain confidence & information about salary negotiations, interviews, etc.
They’ll make you better at interviewing at companies you want to work for, and at eventual salary negotiations
I personally began interviewing during my second year of university. I only accepted a job during my last one. All that experience doing interviews meant I could filter bad employers and get a good shot at my preferred one, for which I ended up working for 3 fulfilling years.
An example of tragedy of the commons. A city has access to a small forest.
If you are a citizen, self-interest would dictate that you cut a tree to get some wood to heat your house. But if everyone does, the wood disappears.
2/ The tweet below recently made me notice that this kind of problems can be formulated in terms of #ergodicity.
3/ One of the definitions of ergodicity is "when the outcome of a person performing an action n times coincides to the outcome of n people performing the action once."
Here is how it applies to the tragedy of the commons: