I can tell you there is almost no possibility all long Covid cases can be attributed to psychogenic factors. I know Alan likes to be kind and tolerant to discussion but GTFOOH
I see psychogenic physical symptoms all the time. I went to med school due to an interest in this, my supervisor in residency was a Harvard Professor due to his research as a world expert in psychogenic manifestations of illness.
I am referred complex cases specifically due to my expertise in this area.
I also believe that IBS, fibromyalgia, GAD, and MDD are overlapping inflammatory syndromes due to chronic stress. Chronic fatigue is a whole different presentation for the most part, though there are some overlaps.
Chronic fatigue tends to begin after an illness or after an injury in an athletic individual. Higher incidence in women. It’s characterized by worsening with activity. Unlike fibromyalgia, improving sleep quality and graded exercise don’t help.
There is lots of new and exciting research and I can finally refer my CFS patients to a an expert and researcher in the area and not another community rheumatologist who diagnoses them with fibromyalgia. (I love you rheum but the data on this separated 10 years ago)
This is why I lump those conditions (and separate ME/CFS)
We fired Cigna because they often refused to pay claims, and we would get checks from them for 4 cents interest on delayed payments of claims because they lost a lawsuit. They would spend 40 cents on a stamp to send us a 4 cent check.
Poland has a somewhat lower vaccination rate than the states and their more infectious (and probably deadlier) B117 is 52% not 40%...this is why I say it is literally a race
Not trying to fear monger...just saying opt out of maskless indoor meetings with 29 of your best friends for another 6 weeks, and anyone vulnerable who had not been vaccinated is probably facing some of the riskiest weeks of the pandemic besides the first month, so be careful.
Gonna say it and keep saying it: vitamin D is a reverse acute phase reactant and also is low in most chronic disease. It stands to reason the lower the vitamin D the more someone is at risk of hospitalization or dying from COVID, but the low vitamin D is a marker for other issues
Massive vitamin D supplementation has never been shown to help any condition except frank vitamin D deficiency. Take your pills in the winter but there is not some massive conspiracy against vitamin D among physicians.
I will say that I have caught hyperparathyroidism 3x in people who start supplementing and a ton of cognitive and joint pain issues get worse so there’s that.
...honestly I would discount any patients super sick in the hospital reports as “new onset psychosis” it’s probably delirium. But the outpatient cases sound like delusional disorders. Unlike schizophrenia which tends to hit late teens, 20s for men and 20s-30s for women...
...or there’s a second peak for women at menopause, delusional disorder tends to strike middle age people. Not surprised there could be an infectious (inflammatory) precipitant.
Gentle note to writers: opioid use *constricts* the pupil. Withdrawal causes dilation.
If you are a writer and want a nice layperson introduction to effects of opioid intoxication and withdrawal, trainspotting does a great job.
This is a very nitpicky point but “opiates” cover opioids derived from the poppy plant whereas opioids covers all of them including the man-made ones like methadone.