[thread] #DayOfReflection

I am going to write a thread where I praise Boris Johnson

Our herd leader
Our Prime Minister
Our People's Prime Minister
Our Lion King

Where I thank him for being an inspiration
This heart-warming video of him talking to schoolchildren about what inspired him to be a politician

Inspired me to write this tribute to Boris

The Lion King reference wasn't mine

It was @halfon4harlowMP

Here's a man who joked about shaking hands with covid patients

Thumping his chest

Now I would like to congratulate Boris Johnson

He has had his jab

Of course it was the Oxford / Astra Zeneca one

There was never any question of that

At least Boris didn't strip off to get his vaccine

Unlike so many of his party want to do

Anyway today is apparently supposed to be a day of reflection

Boris wants to praise our "great spirit"

A reminder from a year ago today

First of all before we get started
What I am asking for forgiveness for?

That I have written this as a thread

Rather than a blog post

I just prefer threads to blogs tbh

There will also be some sub-threads
I will break this thread down into 4 sections

1. Aristotle & The Pursuit of Happyness
2. What inspires you?
3. What question to ask?
4. ABC
So on the Pursuit of Happyness

First I would like to quote Will Smith

This will tie in to the start & end of this section in way even I had not imagined when I started writing it

Now Will talks of the challenge it is as an actor to do a movie based on a life story and to have to meet the real character behind the story

Other actors also face this

Thoughts and prayers for Kenneth

Kenneth does make an effort to understand his characters

I want to write on

The 12 virtues of Boris Johnson

To be celebrate his virtues, honour them, clap for them

To quote Maya: "I have a feeling that you're going to lift up the icon. It is my intention to lift you up."

Now Boris is a student of history

So I want to go back to Aristotle

Here is Mayor Johnson with Will Smith

Here's it written down
A reminder on Aristotle

Here are Aristotle's twelve virtues

I managed to force myself to write that list

It took some effort

I think Boris Johnson

Is an amoral cheating lying racist self serving incompetent charlatan

Just to confirm to Stanley Johnson

I can spell the word he mentions here correctly


Even if I couldn't

I would still have no qualms about describing his son as an amoral cheating lying racist self serving incompetent charlatan

Anyway enough about Stanley

Boris Johnson inspires me

To not be like him

Now those who enabled Boris Johnson

A parliamentary party

Know exactly who and what he was, is and always will be

As to the media ditto

As to his voters ditto
Everyone *KNOWS* exactly who and what Boris Johnson is

The question is not do you know

The question is WHY do you not care

Oh yes and see also

This story from June 2020

Ask yourself

Which MPs

And which ministers

Sought to *exploit* coronavirus

Now of course this was reported in Summer 2020 when the death toll was *ALREADY* high
Roll on to 2021

And well
So let me go through that list again of virtues
There is a good series of articles here on the life challenge of living to the 12 virtues

But also trying to explain what each virtue is and its extremes (on either side)

The link above has a weekly challenge for the 12 virtues

But it also has a fascinating quote from Benjamin Franklin on them
Ooops sorry my mistake

Here's the Benjamin Franklin quote
Oh yes and see also

Margaret Thatcher

22/6/1963 on Macmillan

"The Prime Minister is a man of the highest integrity and honour and should not, therefore, suffer for someone whose standards were not as high as his own.”
Also Maggie

1970 General Election Address

We want a nation with high standards of integrity, tolerance and personal responsibility.
Anyway enough about Margaret Thatcher or Benjamin Franklin

Back to Boris Johnson and Aristotle

Now I have tried to give - well I should say limit myself to - 4 photographic examples of how he lives up to these virtues and one link

It wasn't just GMB

He also hid in a room at JCB when fleeing from Michael Crick

And here is a video & transcript

Of a man who waited until all his opponents attended interviews before he chickened out


Here is a writer referencing statues on the subject of temperance and Boris Johnson


Here is Boris Johnson expressing how he cannot understand the motive of someone wanting to do goood


the magnificent public projects Boris Johnson has delivered - "got done" you might say

From a publicly funded technology tutor, to a garden bridge, to a magic roundabout one of so many of the "many solutions" to the NI border promised


Apologies - I misunderstood the word pride

Here is something Boris Johnson is proud of (just don't ask about transparency and corruption)


2 quotes from the video below

Rachel Johnson at 1m30s in below video

"Whenever anyone asked him what he wanted to be, he would answer, world king."


Apologies for the partial Sonia Purnell quote - the joys of paywalls - the Times article link is below

And here's the fuller link of Boris getting angry


See Eddie Mair asking Boris on the detail of exactly what Boris would do for a friend



Where to start

4 photographs seems an unfair limit

So here's a different question

Boris Johnson is a liar

That is known by all

The questions are

Why is the fact he is a liar ok to you?

What lie would you *not accept*?


Since we are on jokes from historical periods

Here is Boris telling a joke at the UN

If you have to explain your joke whilst telling it

It isn't a good sign


Here is the British Prime Minister

Who tried to interfere into an ethics investigation into a Home Secretary

His ethics advisor resigned

The payouts

And a protective square?


Anyway enough about Boris on plans

Here is Boris Johnson on cornflakes

So I am going to wrap up this thread on Aristotle and the Pursuit of Happyness

See how a company leader inspires a culture for his staff and for his business

By coming back to the movie title, I referenced it with Will Smith earlier

I referenced it with the Mayor meeting Will & Jaden


Just imagine what a Boris Johnson article titled the "Pursuit of Happyness" would look like
Well you don't have to imagine

For he wrote one

I am going to pick just a few quotes from it

I will try not to - how does Boris put it - oh yes "wrench" his "satirical" words out of "context"

See also: school cuts under Tories
See also: Boris' second salary "chicken feed"

I think I understand Boris' disdain for the rule of law now

It is beneath him

Something for the little people

Certainly not him

See also: his father

I am minded of other words that Boris has used on female students

But I am trying to get over this

"adverse consequences for family life"
"Of course I am in favour of women working, and the world would be far nicer if women ran it, but I sometimes wonder if they — we — really want to work quite so hard. "

Anyway Happy Women's History Month

Imagine anyone had asked Boris Johnson MP who's going to look after the children?

"In the words of Hesiod, who will be rarely off the lips of the coming Conservative government, they are fools who know not how much the half is greater than the whole, nor what blessedness there is in mallow-grass and asphodel."

That is the first section done

I have covered Aristotle and the Pursuit of Happyness

The topic of happiness we will come back to during our talk on inspiration as it pertains to Boris Johnson
So a reminder

4 sections

1. Aristotle
2. What inspires you?
3. What question to ask?
4. ABC

So now we reach Section 2

I want to go back to the video I started with

First of all on journalism

I am so so sorry the PM of ... demeaned your entire profession as “abusing” those they write of

I am sure he was thinking of very specific examples of “journalists” who abuse persons

Here's the transcript as well

It is a horrid horrid interview from Boris

Sorry back to journalists

"The basis of journalism as the fourth estate and a watchdog for corruption and injustice brings an unequivocal responsibility for journalists to be equally skilled and hard-working as they are virtuous and ethical."

"they overcame gender bias, racial segregation, death threats, and gun attacks to get their voices heard and report on the reality they witnessed. "

here is local journalists

Here is Boris flinging a protective square around Kemi

Here a reminder on the "output" of the British press
Here's a flash back to the past

One Boris Johnson in 1998

Now I think there are lots of topics you can cover on supermarkets

You can focus on

How they push out smaller retailers as they expand from just selling food stuffs

How they negotiate with food/farm producers

How they deal with automation going forward e.g. self checkouts
But Boris focuses on how supermarkets give donations to the Labour party

Just a reminder

26th February 2020

2 crises

UK flooding victims
Killer virus: Fear hard-pressed NHS won't cope with fast-spreading bug

Meanwhile, Boris finds time for....

"A trip to Italy for a party held by a billionaire socialite ended with the then foreign secretary at an airport “looking like he had slept in his clothes”, struggling to walk in a straight line and telling other passengers he had had a heavy night"

And roll on to March 2021

By god it really was horrible the Labour party had branding on their party conference lanyards


What worries me is that Boris Johnson seems to think that such "abusive" behaviour from a journalist is something that would be approved of by a editorial/ management team

That to me is more disturbing
I am sure no reputable management team would allow their journalists to do that


What newspaper would allow that?

(rhetorical question)
Anyway I want to focus not on that answer to school children that Boris gave about journalists and abuse

But this one

Here's a copy of the transcript
Now there were other parts to that video

Imagine a year into a pandemic

Talking to schoolchildren without being aware of the impact the pandemic has had into their examination schedule

Think back to August 2020

Boris Johnson has been accused of “shamefully” trying to dodge blame for this summer’s exam chaos after he told schoolchildren that a “mutant algorithm” was to blame.

Also from that statement
Roll on to new year 2021

And such "intensity and clarity"


Sorry back to Boris explaining to school children on what suddenly at age 35 inspired him to become a politician

See my earlier observation on his ambition to be King of the world
The question of who or what inspires you

Is a fascinating question

What inspires you

From October 2019

Anyway I am not going to talk about the years of inspiration Jennifer provided to Boris

The misuse of public funds I could talk about

But I am not going to

My focus lies elsewhere

Back to inspiration

The sources of our inspiration are diverse and wonderful

You can look at what inspired Stanley Johnson

"Her example, Keenness, charm and endeavour inspired us all.”

Mrs. Thatcher said that when she went away she would not remember the politics so much, but the friendship and loyalty and the way all had worked together."

"I suddenly thought the world's full of these extraordinary causes and injustices"

‘I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse.’

Professor Kevin Warwick

"I like to read the biographies of people I admire, people I feel have, in their own way, really achieved something - examples being Michael Faraday, Albert Einstein, Captain Scott, Roger Bannister and Stephen Hawking. "

Trump said it was a gift from “my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew” and denied having read the book: “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.’”"

You can look at the muses who inspire artists

You can look to those who inspire their country

oh yes a reminder

Boris Johnson 17/4/2020

"I’ve been comparing notes & talking to leaders around the 🌍, & I can tell you that 🇬🇧 is leading a growing global campaign amongst friends & allies"
Now you could denigrate the Prime Minister for having hindsight

Personally I wouldn't

I think it's great for a politician to admit they could have done things differently, better
A reminder:

'Captain Hindsight to General Indecision':

"Prime Minister Boris Johnson kept using the nickname for Sir Keir Starmer, despite No 10’s call for political debate to be ‘civil and kind’."

Anyway back to inspiration

Now it's ok

I am not going to take Boris Johnson's words "satirically" or "wrench" them "out of context"

‘The quotations have been wrenched out of context,’

Being taken "out of context" does seem to happen a lot

So second

I want to commiserate with Boris Johnson

At age 35 it would have been 1999 where Boris Johnson says he experienced a mid-life crisis

So first of all

For anyone who is suffering

There is help available

Do not trivialise your mental well being

So I am glad that Boris Johnson found away to address the causes of his mid-life crisis

Weirdly though

Here he is in January 2021

Saying he is also experiencing a mid-life crisis

"Normally I'm not allowed in, I need a block and tackle to get me out"

I tell you what

I have just got a motorbike

It's a complete crisis, a midlife crisis

I have a 125cc, it's the biggest joy of my life

Apart from Brexit, of course"

The backdrop to his motorbike

Oh yes and also

"There was no hair-raising theft of a German fighter plane for an aborted flight to Switzerland, and the daredevil Steve McQueen character trying to leap to freedom on a motorcycle was a complete fiction."

If some twenty years on from his "mid-life" crisis

Boris Johnson is experiencing another "mid-life" crisis

what his definition of "mid-life" is

Did he learn any lessons from his first mid-life crisis that he can bring to his second one?

What is causing the malais this time ?
Is Boris just having a crisis because the Conservative Party has not shifted enough product?

They have reduced the price from £70.00 to £56.00

It is a limited edition print

They have NOT managed to sell 250

"The future belongs to the middle-aged

In 2020, for the first time, the median human will be older than 30"

Maybe Boris Johnson has been frozen at age 35

Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, 45, told The New York Times that many of her older clients, who range from magazine editors to financiers to celebrities, strive to be 'suspended' at 45 to 55.

Apparently having a "mid-life" crisis

Is a good way for senior politicians to score empathy points with the public

If Rishi (aged 40) can do it

Then so can Boris (aged 56)

Never mind

Here he is in 2014 explaining further his mid-life crisis

In terms of quoting from movies


So I am going to focus a little bit around that period when Boris Johnson was 35

To wonder what caused him to experience a mid-life crisis

And then I will turn to the second question I have from the video of the school children combined with some of the words from Johnson
"Pondering the fundamental questions – What does it feel like to be overtaken by a female driver when you’re behind the wheel of an Alfa Romeo? Can a car really precipitate a mid-life crisis?"

So first lets have a look at Boris Johnson circa 1999

Episode 675
28th October 1999
Theresa May, Diane Abbott, Lembit Opik, Boris Johnson, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

See also from that Question Time episode

This Vanity Fair article on Boris



Spectator awards

And you can witness what happens

When someone holds up a mirror to Boris Johnson


"Mr Johnson last week, when he described reports of an affair with Ms Wyatt as "an inverted pyramid of piffle".


"It is a wretched and lamentable day when people's private lives become used in political machinations."

He later told the Press Association: "God. It's been a bad evening."


Andrew Neil

“Boris has been a wonderful and magnificent editor of The Spectator and we are
sorry to lose him; in many ways he will be irreplaceable. But we wish
him every success in his political career.

Here's a reminder of Boris' time from the Spectator

Here's a reminder from that decade of Boris and Bill Cash

So you can look at some - just some of the articles from Boris' time as Mayor

On holiday when he refused to return and shad to be FORCED to come back when London was rioting

Yet he can still claim he "took London" through the riots

He is familiar with being booed

Say sorry to Liverpool with yet more lies

"In fact, most people I have met in the street have been extremely nice," he said, but admitted he had not actually met anyone yet,

So there are lots of stories of Boris Johnson and his career across decades from "journalist" to politician

So so many stories

Now we turn to the second element I wanted to look at

His quote from Scarface
There are several people who try to take a stab at understanding the usage of the Scarface quote

Personally I would go back to something I referenced earlier around Stanley Johnson

And one simple observation

If you wanted to defend someone from a charge that they were a liar

All you need to is present the truth

You would not need to attack the person accusing them of being a liar
Or to put it as Thatcher did

“I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”
It must be so easy being Boris Johnson

If you can lie to voters

If you can lie to the Queen

Then lying is easy

There are therefore two questions:

What would you not lie about?

To whom would you not lie?

Even Marie Claire documents the lies of a Prime Minister

With every lie

Those who fall for

Or those who sell the lie on

Become ever more invested in not admitting

Who is a liar

And that they were lied to

Or that they sold on the lie
After all

It's emabarassing being the victim of a fraud

Even sharing that victimhood with ones partner is an "embarrassment"

I want to say its not

There is no shame in being a victim

The shame belongs to the perpetrator and their acts
Now I move onto a profession

There is also a very good write up by David Allen Green below

Back in 2010, Urban Dictionary decided that the best way to describe a clown is: "Just a downright fool, someone who there's no other word for other than 'clown' it explains how stupid they can be and how little you think about them."

So on the historic use of "clown" as an insult

14/6/1971 Margaret Thatcher

"I thought that we were in a circus where a clown had taken over"


Mr. Whitehead to PM James Callaghan


Margaret Thatcher on a letter from a clown (literally)


Mr Bidwell MP to PM Margaret Thatcher
You can also look at Hansard


I really object to the insult of clown

Number one because clowns are noble profession

They bring joy, humour to people's lives

They work hard on their craft

I also object to the word comedian applied to Boris Johnson

He's not funny

He is a buffoon

Plain and simple
I do tend to quote this interview a lot

Because it has so much in it

And even a small question is so fascinating

I would convert that question from Maya Angelou into the topic of lying

What happens to you when you get a bigger laugh or a laugh when you didn't expect one? Or a bigger one than you expected? What happens on that occasion?
So anyway enough about Boris Johnson for now

I want to talk about a writer who could make people laugh

Who could inspire
Terry Pratchett

I have a link to some of his quotes in my Twitter bio

Now I could talk about Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.

Oh yes here's a reminder on the Laffer Curve

And here's a fuller study

Instead I want to talk about something else from Pratchett

Lies to children

Amongst other elements discussed here

For any fans of Pratchett

And here

It’s a binary situation

Boris either

Knows he is lying

Or does not know he is lying

Now if he does not know he is lying

That is actually more worrying
So let’s operate on the premise

He knows he is lying

It is deliberate

It is calculated

The question then becomes

What lie would you not tell?

Who would you not lie to and about what?

Are there different gradations of lie?
His father gets really upset when people call his son a liar

But unable to rebut the lies

He then spouts some shite about one’s ability to spell Pinocchio

He cannot even properly defend his son

And I pity him that he can’t
So the question is

How great is Boris’ contempt for those he lies to?

His contempt is universal

For citizens

For MPs

For Her Majesty the Queen

There is no one he will not lie to

There is nothing he will not lie about
To wrap up in this section

Perhaps you should find it inspiring

That Boris Johnson is a desperate cheating lying racist nativist incompetent charlatan

He will stoop to nothing in his desperation to protect himself

During his ascent

During his reign

And during his descent
The inspiration you should take from Boris Johnson

Is not to be like him

Be better than him

It shouldn't be difficult

It's a low bar
To our children

Be better

So a reminder 4 sections

We now reach the concluding sections

Well done for those who made it this far

1. Aristotle
2. What inspires you?
3. What question to ask?
4. ABC
What question to ask?

No not the question of:

Who are you?

No not the question of:

What do you want?

I would ask a different question

Boris Johnson

Has the job he always coveted

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
First Lord of the Treasury
Minister for the Civil Service

No one can take that away from him

He has his place in history amongst the pantheon of Prime Ministers
It also answers another questions

Never again need we ask

What happens if we elect one like him?

I would ask a more fundamental question of Boris Johnson

What are you afraid of?
Politicians over the ages have different fears

You can go to the etymology of Project Fear in the political sphere

You can ask the general public

Given coronavirus

I think the public were absolutely correct to fear politicians
I am curious at coriander at 17% though

But that's a topic for another thread
I think the answer is simple

Boris Johnson is afraid of 5 things

That he is/will be only a one term PM

How will he live financially?

How he will be remembered?

How he will be written of?

That one such as himself one would be the one writing of him.
Oh here's another example of how afraid he is

I give an analogy from an earlier ages

And Dennis Thatcher

The farewell of Dennis to Downing St staff

"I hope you will remember me as never having been discourteous to anyone. That's what I'd like to be remembered for."

And I would also say

Do not allow the experience of certain invididuals reflect on one school

It reflects on the individual

Floreat Etona!
"Speaking personally, I think it is unfortunate at the moment and we'd all be better served as a nation if this particular clutch of people hadn't been educated at the same school."

"For those of us who work in independent schools, watching Boris Johnson move into Number 10 is like rubbernecking a car crash of Bill Viola-like slowness;"

So I have written up 15 suggestions on how to help Boris face those fears

His enablers in his party are too committed

They will do anything also - because they are afraid for self and career

And of a cult that would expel them if they dared wake up (so to say)
1. Shower him with honorifics

Can the People’s Prime Minister please answer

Can the Lion King please answer

Can Herd Leader please answer

Preface every question to the PM

I do not seek to “abuse” the PM and I do not want to use the wrong “tone” or be accused of being totty can the PM please grace me with an answer to .....

Can I offer my condolences on the death of the Conservative & Unionist Party - is Boris proud of the Boris Nationalist Party

A reminder

Of Boris' own words around the union and Northern Ireland


Quote Thatcher at him

Use Boris' words to quote back at him/his party

e.g. Michael fallon when preseted with anonymised words


Do not let a man AND his party

Who spaffed on the union

Who lied to the Queen

Appropriate the flag of this nation

Ask him what the flag stands for


Hammer away at questions on his moral compass

Every PM finds their own style to evade questions

Focus on Boris and find what he struggles with , what voters dislike and use that

e.g. here is Theresa May on VIDEO accusing the police of crying wolf

Here's a thread on the "People's Government"


Remember his words

Record his words

Thatcher has an entire archive of her words

Do this for Boris

Every place of his words article, radio, tv, visit, speech, Hansard, daily briefing

Preserve it for posterity

As a remembrance

And as a warning

To future generations

Address his colleagues. Ask them what would they not do?

Matt Hancock

proroguing parliament would go against “everything that those men who waded on to those beaches fought and died for”, adding: “And I will not have it.”


Now I know parliamentary rules prevent you from calling someone a liar

So borrow a leaf from Dennis Skinner


If borrowing a leaf from Dennis Skinner isn’t your choice then borrow one from Kwasi Kwarteng

Resort to “many people say”

See of course

The Daily Telegraph

And the "People's Government"

And next they came for the judiciary

"Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ "


react as Boris Johnson does when on LBC with Ken Livingston

As Maya Angelou says below - channel the anger


Sing, dance and joke

Turn him, his words, his effects into prose

Into song

Into jokes

Into dance

I tried to do this in memory of the Garden of England becoming the Garage of England

15. This is my last suggestion

Mimic Johnson

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Go big
Go bold
Go unshackled

Liberate yourself from having to have any regard for telling the truth

Make things up

Make them up big

Lie and lie big

So I am wrapping up this section now

Here's a reminder of someone being held account for their past racist comments

Here's a reminder of Boris Johnson's words

Now I often try and imagine the best representation for Boris Johnson

Is it a totem?

An idol?

The head of a battering ram?
Here is an example of an evaluation of a country
Kidding that was actually about Stalin

Here's the fuller quote & link

Now as Tory MP's go full tilt at flag shagging

What does the flag stand for ?

The flag is a "symbol of liberty and freedom that binds the whole country together"

Here's a reminder of a story
Here's an individual who used that story

Simple questions to Tories:

What does the Monarch mean to you?

What does the flag mean to you?

As you lie to the monarch
Break the law
Prorogue Parliament
And put a border in Irish Sea no unionist could support
Apparently now

Not showing the "correct" number of flags is disloyal to the Queen and to the union

I wouldn't mock Robert Jenrick for the flag he feels he has to put in his zoom background

I would mock him for his fawning over Richard Desmond that saved him nearly £50 million of tax only netted a Conservative donation of £12k

Imagine doing that for only £12k
To quote President Andrew Shepherd
He is of course a fictional President

Here instead is a real President with a counterpoint to well... another American President

Anyway to go back to the words of President Andrew Shepherd

"Being President of this country is entirely about character."
There is a reason why Boris Johnson and his cult want a culture war

To protect them

Amidst austerity, brexit and covid

It is all about forming a protective square (or ring) around Boris Johnson

And his successor who is yet to be revealed
A reminder - a culture war is nothing new

9/9/1977 Margaret Thatcher

Now I remember Krishnan Guru Murphy doing the same word anonymisation game with Michael Fallon

So here's another from Priti

Your reminder: As part of denying the conclusions of a report into HER bullying her staff - she denied that she had read that report

A reminder for the Priti Patel bullying

The story is both

The bully

And the PM who interfered to try to tamper with the investigation

Anyway back to sexual violence

Conservative MP's got really upset at the below

I wrote a short thing wondering why they got angry at the words on it

Rather than the thing itself

Oh yes and here's a useful talk on sexual violence

Now I agree with Boris on the words below

That he is the person saying them

Makes me want to vomit

"Do you understand that victims of child sexual abuse, survivors of child sexual abuse will hear you use the word 'spaffed' - which means 'ejaculated', prime minister,"

Now I tried to find how many times Thatcher got into arguing over what a word meant in that arena of activity

spaffing 0
ejaculation 0
wanking 0
masturbation 1 (around sex education concerns)

Now that's enough on sexual violence

Now we turn to Britain's place in the world

“I am profoundly optimistic about the U.K.’s place in the world and our ability to seize the opportunities ahead,”

Not just optimistic

Profoundly optimistic

I am curious at Britain becoming a "global activist"

A reminder of Boris and not understanding doing good

So I would ask Boris to define

What makes him "profoundly optimistic"?

A reminder Dominic Raab on a 10 year view

A reminder Sajid Javid on the lost decade of brexit

Oh here is Jacob Rees Mogg on the lost half century

Here is Jacob lying to his constitients about the brexit dividend
Boris Johnson *COULD NOT* persuade his own brother of the blessed sunlit uplands that brexit is

Here is Jo's full resignation letter

And I mentioned Dominic Raab

Here is Dominic's view on a 2nd referendum - one he wanted simply if he lost
See also: David Davis
So anyway back to open global Britain and the "activism" of Boris Johnson

"In a message entitled “TRUST” sent to civil servants on Wednesday morning, Barton berated those who leaked Raab’s comments to HuffPost UK and Bloomberg, saying they had caused “significant breaches of the trust placed in us”."

The notion of anyone sending a email titled "TRUST" regarding Dominic Raab or Boris Johnson's behaviour is hilarious

Oh also from Foreign Office

“We don’t junk whole relationships because we’ve got issues – we have a conversation because we want to change the behaviour. And I think we’re in a much better position to do that if we’re willing to engage.

How did that work out for the Uighur?
Boris Johnson:

The Mayor warned that it would be “economic folly” to prevent major foreign investors pouring money into housing, transport and utilities and that he had “no qualms” about them doing so.

How Jacob Rees Mogg responds to things is quite sad

He just cannot play the ball

So here he is responding to Dominic Raab's words

Roll on a day

And apparently Boris Johnson would not have said that

And *refuses to say*

I don't actually have an issue with Yes or No as an answer

Provided you can explain what and why you answer that way

If you can fling a protective square around the Prittster

A reminder on what Boris Johnson did say and him being held to account for those words

A reminder

Here is Margaret on the press

Here also is Jacob reduced to such pathetic BS as a deflection

I pity him

Jacob Rees Mogg on responding to the nepotism in government procurement contracts

See also:

The happiest fish in the world

I want to know

Which experts did he consult to determine their happiness?

Shame the people aren't the happiest

The full report here

So I am going to finish this third section with a thread

Before we go on to ABC

I am going to end with a focus on Boris Johnson

Whichever of the 15 you do

Do not rely on it being the purview of any one political party or group or political side of the spectrum
All opposition parties are struggling to triangulate in the messed up world of British politics as Boris Johnson simultaneously wants to proclaim brexit done and its wonderful AND stoke the divisive fires of it it being under threat
And you can be damned sure whether we have a general election in 2024 or ahead of then

The Tories will weaponise anything and everything in pursuit of victory
This is something we all should do

Despite politicians
And there is a key point

Words matter

Do not allow Boris Johnson or his cult to control, define or limit the words used

“Take back control” of words
Abraham Lincoln

“I should regret to see the day in which the people should cease to express intelligent, honest generous criticism upon the policy of their rulers.”
Don’t let anyone deride you as a keyboard warrior

After all whether it be Fact Check U.K. , AIQ or Cambridge analytica this lot want to weaponise social media

Of course the irony is that some of the heaviest criticism of brexit now comes from those who sold its lies and racist bullshit eg the ERG and BXP/UKIP/Reform Party or WTAF they call themselves

They need an eternal war

For their grift

For a distraction
The fault can never be on those who brought you austerity, brexit and covid

It must always be someone else’s fault
Hence deflections are necessary

On China
On “wokeness”
On culture
On history
Oh statues

For their business

For their base
Oh on China

We have come along way in a century

Not sure - but this poster brought back memories of brexit and "pigs ears"

To George and Boris
You can see lots of other posters here

It was never just about hiding brexit within covid

It was about hiding everything within Boris - brexit is just one of the strands of that protective umbrella that Boris uses to shield behind
It is all only and ever about the grift

For self, career and party

Just like “fuck business”
When you can deliberately promise anything to your constituents in the full knowledge that once elected you will do anything to break that promise

Here's a reminder of the sunlit uplands

Here's a reminder of school special needs cuts

Here's a reminder of 40 hospitals

Now there are 3 actors in that breaking of a promise

The person who made the promise

The people to who he made the promise

The person who enabled him to be sent overseas to avoid a vote on it

So as I wrap up this section.

Before I come on to ABC

I want to finish with two stories to illustrate the hollow bullshit served up by the Conservative party
first on sexual assaults

The confected anger at the Labour Party

Is to mask shame

The legacy of a decade of their rule

And 2nd on vaccine exports

The best most effective form of export ban

Is where you do not have to put a ban in at all to achieve the same result

Ask a simple question of any minister , MP or Tory

How many vaccines has the U.K. exported ?

It’s a simple Q

To refute a ban you would answer it
But the U.K. government cannot

Instead the only minister I saw deflecting with actual quite sad attempts was covax shipments of vaccine which she ofc neglected to mention were *EXPORTED BY INDIA*
Now I have no issue with U.K. government hoarding all U.K. produced vaccines

Just be open and own that decision

Stand proud

e.g. British jabs for British subjects

Own the decision

Defend it

That you can’t .... well
So at the last here in a section of ideas

If Boris Johnson can lie about protective rings in care homes

Form a protective square around Priti when she bullies

Form a protective square around Rishi and David

There dishonour is infinite

Just a reminder

A "joke" between a PM, Queen, Archbishop and Speaker

Now before I move onto my 4th section on ABC

I wrap up with a warning

this is a long thread in and of itself with a lot of threads included from other people and their recording of the words and acts of Boris Johnson

It starts with Jacob Rees Mogg

So I have finished my 3rd section

My fourth and final section is ABC

Here is Usher with an intro

Now I apologise

This section is going to contain some threads and some compendium threads

So there's a lot here

Peruse it and read it as much as you wish to

There is a lot in here
I had a flashback there to a musical thread I did on Georgia

Back in the days where a President was trying to tamper with electoral results

Roll on

And that President led an insurrection to storm the capitol and interrupt the operation of Congress

I did a thread on that with an introduction from Kipling

And a comparison between Donald and Boris

Anyway back to ABC

Now first of all before we talk about austerity

I am old enough to remember a note

Now any party coming in in 2010

Was going to face a backdrop of how they dealt with the aftermath of the global financial crash
to highlight

"Drawing the lesson that austerity had become an electoral asset and useful stick with which to beat Labour, the Chancellor doubled down. He tightened his fiscal rules in a way that virtually the entire economics profession regarded as economically illiterate"
And there was always going to be a point at which

If you need to take tough decisions


Take them

But *be prepared* to defend them

e.g. the aunt & mother of the PM raising concerns

And David Cameron's response was to spout utter bullshit at the local council leader
A reminder on the European Investment Bank
A reminder

A country is NOT a household

I don’t want to talk about build back better

Anyone using that slogan better explain to me first what and whom are we building back better / levelling up from?

Because if you don’t understand the last decade
Then those who delivered that will soon declare "build back better" done

It will come just in time for the next general election

As will lots of tory focus on spaffing cash at their target seats
Here's Nicky Morgan

Baroness now
So we end our austerity lesson with Liz Truss

And a simple question

How did it affect you and your local constituency

And she *cannot* answer

Yet somehow the party cheer her on
Oh yes a reminder

"He (Boris) does not want to use archaic procedures"

Roll on a few months

And what did Boris do
See also

M. Thatcher

"My Britain is one where the rule of law is upheld, impartially even against the most powerful bodies in our community and where those entrusted with upholding the law, whether policemen or judges, are given respect, support and encouragement. "
Ronald Reagan

"It has been said that an institution is the lengthening shadow of a man. This institution is the lengthening shadow of all the men and women who have sat here and all those who have voted to send representatives here."

M. Thatcher

"Under treaties we accept obligations which we ourselves help to formulate. "


“Britain does not renounce Treaties..to do so would damage our integrity as well as international relations"
To return to a musical muse

‘If you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for?’

So next we move on to brexit

It couldn't have been won without austerity

It needed an environment where people were annoyed and frustrated at politicians and their policies

But they could be deflected by lies and racism
Now in 5 years I have only seen 2 Brexit “dividends” that it has revealed

1) It could only be won by cheating, lies and racism

2) Having been “won” those who sold it will do anything to sell on the the shitshow, lie to the Queen, spaff on the union, break the law. Anything.
Racism and xenophobia of course has always existed
See also
Now I actually happen to agree with both Nigel's upset at being called a "fruitcake" long ago

I would call racists racists
Because what you need to do is as a politician

Is be prepared to have an adult converstaion about the consequences of your policies

And own their effects

Without resorting to racism, othering and xenophobia as a deflection


With brexit

We had years and decades of that
So instead of having an informed conversation about immigration

About what immigrants bring to a country

And look to a Home Secretary who supressed not one study

But 9

Oh yes a reminder

“All his cabinet agreed with that unilateral offer, except his home secretary, Mrs May, who insisted on blocking it.”

Also T. May

"if you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere. You don’t understand what citizenship means.”
“ We hope wherever they go in this wide domain, to which we set no limits in the European Continent, they will truly feel "Here I am at home. I am a citizen of this country too".”

Daniel J Hannan

"It's irresponsible to scare EU nationals in the UK by hinting that their status might change after Brexit. No one's suggesting such a thing,"

I am now going to do something unusual

I am going to agree with Steve Bannon

"let them call you racists

let them call you xenophobes

let them call you nativists

wear it as a badge of honour“

I would much rather racists, xenophobes and nativists wore it as a badge of honour

Don't hide it

I would rather you were open about it

This is 20 minutes long

But it is a reminder of Farage is open as to what he is

It's an old one from @mrjamesob

Here's one of Nigel's friends on marketing

And in case you think it was just Nigel peddling the racism

It wasn't

Vote Leave of course wanted to rely on Nigel to do the dirty work for them so they could (try to) keep their hands clean

They didn't

Vote Leave lent full in as well
Anything justified in order to win

A reminder

Boris Johnson DENIED that Vote Leave mentioned Turkey in the referendum

Here's a reminder:
Oh yes AND

Vote Leave DOCTORED a video of the Turkish parliament

Ask yourself

WHY did they doctor it?

Imagine if another EU nation, a NATO ally doctored a video of the UK parliament

Can you imagine how politicians in the UK would react?
Nigel was so grateful to Steve Bannon

So so grateful

Oh here's Nigel at a fancy dress party

Oh yes and see the benefit of immigration

"The cost of lower EU migration will be greater than the benefits of a US trade deal, leaked Brexit analysis says"

So the question is why can you not have an honest conversation about demographics

About the population

And about trends within it

A reminder here is the Department for Education on immigration trends and impacts on school numbers
oh yes and see also

The Warsaw government’s Powroty, or Returns, programme is aimed at persuading back the army of well educated and skilled workers who flocked to the UK when Poland joined the EU more than a decade ago.

A research paper by academics the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence published in January estimated that around half a million non-UK born workers had left the UK during the pandemic – many of them EU citizens.

This was a good Radio 4 show on a discussion on demographics and population trends

Now obviously you can try and have government programme's to support procreation

No I don't mean Boris Johnson and his technology tutor

Now I know I will get the usual screams from brexiteers going

There was no racism

I voted for brexit and I'm not racist


Sit down

Brexit was sold with racism and xenophobia

You are either ok with that or you are not
Now I am not saying everyone who voted for brexit is a racist

But you accepted a product sold with racism

Those who sold it - knew they had to sell it with racism and xenophobia

And those who bought it with it either because of it or despite it

You knew what it was
It is easy to exploit fears

The fears run deep

So we return to one simple question

Boris Johnson and Michael Gove stated they had a plan for brexit

Where is it?

Who contributed to the plan?

Who reviewed the plan?

Here's Dominic and Michael/Boris
After all to quote Sarah Vine

It is an “awesome responsibility”

Here is Lord Lawson
Here's Michael on that plan

Not just a plan

A proper plan
So here is a referendum that did have a plan

Meanwhile back in Vote Leave

Well they deleted their site

Oh and you can look at the works of one Dominic Cummings

So I could just leave you with that one simple question

Any time you see Boris, Michael, Gisela or any other vote leave liar

Ask them

Where is the plan?

After all it should take pride of place at FUK

The plan should be held aloft

The document which led Britain forward on the path to the sunlit uplands
Joking of course

Here is Boris' 10 point “plan” that he released in september 2017

Anyone remember that red bus

And the promise lie of £350 million a week and “let us”


Why in the duck are any of you still believing that lie?

*EVEN* Nigel Farage was so embarrassed he disowned that lie the day after the referendum
Here is Jacob not just doubling down on the lies of a red bus

But quintupling down on it

Imagine lying so unashamedly in front of your constituents

Imagine the contempt you have that they will fall for or not care of your lies
"A new study by King’s College London of attitudes to Brexit found that 42 per cent of people who had heard of the claim still believe it is true, while just 36 per cent thought it was false and 22 per cent were unsure"

From the same article

"The former boss of the Vote Leave campaign, Dominic Cummings, admitted after the referendum that “all our research and the close result strongly suggests” that Remain would have won without the advert."

Also Dominic
The incoherent bullshit of those who promised things during the Leave campaign

See: Sir Bernard Jenkin & George Eustice
A reminder of what brexit has cost us *so far*

>£4.4bn brexit prep cost
£170bn BOE stimulus cost
>£130bn lost growth (so far)
£39bn liabilities
Trillions leave city

Sorry my bad wrong link

Here is Jacob though
Not to worry

Jacob is so so desperate to sell you the uplands

Here he is on an article about food savings that was so bad and inaccurate even the Sun withdrew it

Not to worry though

Jacob is a believer in horoscopes

It would be better to “consult a newspaper horoscope than treasury forecasts”

Do let me know

Why are these companies not sharing his faith in horoscopes?

Hence why the government are desperately spending money on an advertising campaign

So there is a reason why Michael Gove has to spread the bullshit of
people have “had enough of experts”

And a reminder from June 2020

Brexit is so bad

Tories want to exploit coronavirus to hide brexit within

Imagine being so shameless
And don’t even start with the Freeport bullshit

So if you don’t want to talk about actual economic damage

Here is a thread on the “feeling” of sovereignty

Here is one on Liz Truss

A woman who knows she is selling tickets to the ghost train

The simplest thing she could do is explain how it would be better

She can’t
So Liz Truss managed to get continuity deals

To allow the U.K. to roughly stand still

She sold these as a massive prize

All they are is damage limitation exercises
A reminder on David Davis and those massive trade deals that await within 2 years

Here is one on Liam Fox

On that “easiest deal in history”

Here is one on Liam’s chief experts

Here is another expert

Anyway back to Liz

She is selling on the shit

She is desperate

And I have sympathy with her

She knows it’s a shitshow

All that matters is that she ride that wave of shit to higher office
Which ever country it is

For example Japan

She can only pretend her deal is better by comparing it against no deal

See also America

We will get a deal

But we are desperate


Here’s a reminder on protectionism
I talked earlier of charity in one of Aristotle’s virtues


“Open global Britain” has been unashamed at saying it would use foreign aid as a trade tool

That’s the same Priti Patel who threatened to starve the Irish

Or we can invade Spain

This week apparently Conservative representatives want us to bomb Bristol

That was on Monday

God knows what the rest of this week will bring
Anyway here’s a 50 pence piece
Two illustrate this with two examples

“Dfid will be safe”

Never mind though I am sure at some point the BS of buying a new royal yacht will come back around in the news cycle

Maybe like the Bung a Bob for a Big Ben Bong

We can crowdfund for a royal yacht

Not to worry Boris has two aeroplanes now

First of all

Just so it’s clear I am not picking on Boris

Here’s a thread on Michael Gove

Oh and Jacob Rees Mogg

Here I start from Jacob with Ben Bradley spouting shite on foreign aid and "subjects"

Here is Mogg confirming that you should take the 50 year view

Here is Andrew Bowie on not being able to articulate to young adults how brexit will be any benefit in their lifetime

So on a final topic on brexit

Here is Northern Ireland

Yes that place where Vote Leave said they had many solutions to the NI border
We are now 5 years in


Unspecified technology




Border posts shifted away from border


Alternative arrangements

Haven’t solved it
And you roll on to a border in the Irish Sea

Put there by a “Conservative and Unionist Party” Prime Minister whose words well....

The contempt that liars have for those who fall for their lies

Is only exceeded by the lack of honour those who peddle the lies have

It is also even more insulting

That those who lied to the Queen

Who break the law of international treaty as easily as they unlawfully prorogue Parliament

Who spaff on the union

Go full flag shagging on the flag, Her Majesty and Maggie iconography

So anyway

I could go about so much in brexit

But you can see where the thematic lies from GB News

It aligns with and reinforces the themes from the People's Government

A reminder

Here's the damage to fishing

Now on innovation

That will be the new theme alongside environment

Along with the war on woke/culture/heritage/China brought to you by the flag shagging People's Government

Innovation and environment are two themes they will hammer
So to talk of innovation

The UK ranked 8th globally

The UK ranked 11th of all EU countries’ R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP in 2017.

Funding for the NGI includes £38m from the Government, as part of £50m allocated for graphene research. The remaining £23m was awarded to the University by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Here is one of those graphene experts

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Andre Geim

“We cannot even expect a neutral outcome anymore,” he says. “The question now is simply: to what extent is this going to be a disaster for science in the U.K.”

Then we turn to the environment

Before I wrap up

To celebrate the Garden of England being turned into a franchise of Farage Garage's

I took the words of a Vera Lynn song and amended it

To wrap up brexit

I did a simple thread which quoted Margaret Thatcher

A woman whose party

Spaffed on her grave

Spaffed on the union

Spaffed on the monarch

All for self and career

She would be ashamed of them

Now we come to the final letter (so far)

C is for Coronavirus

God help us with whatever the Tories do with the letter DENIED

First of all

Here's the father of the Prime Minister

With his judgement

We go back again to Stanley Johnson

At least his book was a useful story on epidemics

It might not have been as "entertaining" as his son's seminal work

We are now over a year into a pandemic

A pandemic that in early January Matt Hancock assured us we were well prepared for

That was a lie
From the cobra meetings missed, herd immunity, joking about shaking hands with patients, lockdown to late, a PPE crisis, care home deaths, test and trace, procurement scandals

There is so much

So so much
You go back to summer 2020

Where we emerged from the first lockdown

And Conservatives were afraid

A key point

“His inadequacies would not have mattered so much were the prime minister surrounded by capable ministers”

Tories have to peddle anything in desperation to sell on the shitshow of brexit

Whether it be on appropriating vaccines for political benefit

You can lie about not having an export ban

When you have somehow magically achieved exactly that result

Whether it be Matt Hancock and PPE nepotism

Whether it be lying about when lockdown started

And Christmas 2020

Never ever again ask what happens when you let a vain self glorious cheating lying racist incompetent self serving charlatan be Prime Minister

120,000 plus have paid the price of that lesson
I do think sometimes I am unfair to Boris

As I am almost as angry not at him

But at the courtiers that surround him

They could not temper him, remind him, steer or cajole him into being better for this pandemic
Here is a Doctor with a great article on the last year

Here is a journalist

With a great long read

And here is Boris Johnson

Laying a bullshit narrative of lies ahead of any next surge in covid in the UK

He spouts utter bullshit

With complete contempt and nonchalance

I will leave you with covid and a small (sic) thread which builds up across a time and range of 2020

If you have made it this far before my closing thread

Well done

And again
And I end with my final covid thread

Written through summer - autumn of 2020

Before Boris Johnson and the utter disaster of christmas 2020

You know what I am afraid of

What the hell the tories will inflict on us with the letter D

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Now there are lots of Tory MPs who are raging at this

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"Saudi-led coalition airstrikes are behind 61% of all civilian casualties in Yemen's war, according to the United Nations human rights office."

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A reminder on Operation Cygnus

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23 Feb

I am going to counterpoint Boris Johnson

With some words from Margaret Thatcher

Dear God

Can people stop fucking making me quote Margaret
"Your hospitality tonight precludes me from giving you one of those high-minded lectures on the importance of your behaving responsibly, which some politicians in the past have made the mistake of delivering to your profession."

"In any case, I am bound to say that I am reasonably satisfied with the traditional arrangement under which we politicians leave you journalists to get on with your job while you journalists tell us how to do ours."

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