1)Too many Medical Professionals mistakenly assume that when patients use graphic or colorful descriptors to describe what our pain feels like that we are catastrophizing.
When in fact, we are attempting to help them understand what we are experiencing.
1) World With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
(CRPS) As My Constant Companion
I live in a world with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) as my constant companion. Physicians don’t know why it develops, but #CRPS is a nerve disorder that
2)usually occurs after a traumatic injury, surgery, sprain, fracture, infection or a period of immobilization. CRPS/RSD is said to be the most painful chronic disease that’s known today. On the McGill #Pain Index it (Causalgia) scores 42 out of 50.
3)How does that compare to other types of pain and/or chronic pain conditions? #Arthritis pain is ranked about 18, Non-terminal Cancer pain at 24 and Chronic Back Pain is at 26. Natural labor and delivery of a 1st child is about 35. With a score of 40, the pain associated