While Mountain Tapirs are "precariously balanced on the edge of extinction's precipice" they also play a critical role in the ecosystem, both as seed dispersers & since they topple trees that open paths for other herbivores (Padilla et al 2010, bit.ly/3dblHbW) #2021MMM
Mountain Tapirs may have coevolved & become coadapted with Andean plants, some of which have no other adaptations for seed dispersal (endozoochory) ...This makes them a #keystone species #2021MMM
When building rhinoceros phylogenies, either tapir or horse can be used as an outgroup reference, suggesting a quick radiation of the species, nuclear DNA could help resolve some confusion from mtDNA analyses (Willersley et al 2009, bit.ly/3lVTUjJ) #2021MMM
The underwater-shovel-faced-vacuum cleaner, i mean, the Dugong, also plays an important role in the ecosystem. They have a direct effect on the seagrasses they eat and indirectly on other organisms that use the grasses as shelter #2021MMM
Although we don’t have a picture (karyotype) of Dugong chromosomes, we do know that their close relative, the manatee, has one extra pair of chromosomes relative to humans, & shares long stretches of chromosome DNA similarity (Kellogg et al 2007, bit.ly/3waCxR8) #2021MMM
This song about dugongs is pretty catchy, but FACT CHECK: Dugongs are NOT manatees & OPINION CHECK: Dugongs are NOT ugly #2021MMM
Tonight's Battle takes place in... THE SWAMP FOREST!!!! #2021MMM
Specifically, we are in the Paramaribo swamp forests of Suriname, a forest inundated with fresh water. Sounds of life such as loud screeches from Howler monkeys & calls of tamarins echo through the forest. Baboonwood and açaí palm trees provide cover #IncidentalPrimates#2021MMM
However, it is the dry season and the water is not as deep, making animals more vulnerable to predators #UhOh#2021MMM
The loud & unfamiliar sounds are omnidirectional. This agitates Tapir, already on edge from #MMMagic. Feeling threatened, Tapir uses a reliable defense tactic - going for a swim! #2021MMM
Mountain Tapir are known for spending a lot of time in water! It helps them escape predators, regulate temperatures, & usually offers some tasty plants to nom. They also defecate more often in water than on land. #2021MMM
Sticking to the deeper areas of the swamp is our Dugong, searching for some yummy seagrass to eat. Dugongs usually stick to coastal coves and bays on the other side of the world, so this swamp feels ALL WRONG. #2021MMM
AND there is no seagrass, as this is freshwater! Determined, the Dugong scans its surroundings, using its stiff lip bristles to try to feel out some potential treats amongst the freshwater plants. Its whiskers brush up against a strange, spiky stump #2021MMM
Then the stump moves! That's because its not a stump, but actually a Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus). bit.ly/39gqjfR#2021MMM
Tapir, living its best #TapirLife, has been hiding in the water, using its trunks as a snorkel. The startled caiman startles the Tapir, who was hoping for a relaxing bathtime #2021MMM
While mostly nonaggressive, Tapirs will fight back when necessary. He draws some water into his trunk and sprays its straight at the caiman! (Padilla et al 2010, bit.ly/3dblHbW) #NoseWaterGun#2021MMM
Underwater, the Dugong hears a sound like a gurgly squeaky wheel. Is this another Dugong, also transported via #MMMagic? Dugongs communicate w/each other using "chirp-squeaks" (bit.ly/3w0HDz9). Which is impressive considering they don't have vocal cords! #2021MMM
Alas, this chirp-squeak doth not belong to a dugong, but a manatee! #OhTheHuManatee! It seems that all Sirenians produce these calls, though manatee calls are slightly longer than those of Dugongs (Anderson & Barclay 1995, bit.ly/3siRTAB). #2021MMM
Dugong does not realize this. Vocalizations can vary between individuals (Ichikawa et al 2003, bit.ly/2PuIrLM), leaving the Dugong intrigued. Uninterested in the foolishness between Tapir & Caiman, he swims off in search of a fellow sea cow/food vacuum #DuGone#2021MMM
The Tapir scrambles towards the muddy banks and pulls itself up to full height (0.9 meters or 3.6 stoats). But at only 64 cm, our Caiman is dwarfed by the much larger Tapir & instead glides to another resting spot elsewhere. #StoatsAsMeasurement#2021MMM
The Dugong has floated through the past two rounds, mostly busy making sure it gets its several hundred square meals a day. The Egyptian Fruit Bat (EFB) surprised everyone in an early upset before defeating the Solenodon in a well-timed figfall #FigGate#2021MMM
Taxonomic relationships within the fruit bats (Pteropodidae) are also tricksy but combining mtDNA & nuclear DNA shows that Egyptian fruit bat is closest to the Malagasy & Comoros fruit bats diverging from them ~2.3 MYA (Almeida et al 2016, bit.ly/FruitBatGen) #2021MMM
NEXT UP: #1 seed Harpy Eagle vs #8 seed Ghost Bat, with lots of battle narration guidance from @Mammals_Suck#2021MMM
The Harpy Eagle is an avian 'QUEEN of the jungle', documented to prey upon at least 102 species of mammal, bird, and reptile (Miranda 2020, bit.ly/EagleDiet) #2021MMM
Learning to hunt by juvenile Eagles seems to be mostly trial-and-error. Juveniles are unlikely to learn to hunt directly from their parents. Instead, parents stop providing food, forcing youngsters to just figure it out (Cavalcante et al 2019, bit.ly/JuvEagle) #2021MMM
In Round 1, our Solenodon avoided being a Civet treat while on holiday in Madagascar, while the Egyptian Fruit Bat (EFB) outlasted a socially-motivated Kinda Baboon #UpsetCity#2021MMM
UP NEXT: 8th seed Ghost Bat (Macroderma gigas) vs 9th seed Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) #2021MMM
Is this March Mammal Madness or Most Beautiful Mammal competition? Because the Ghost Bat is here to SLAY with its silky, pale white fur & sharp, pointy smile. #PunIntended#NotAtAllBiased#2021MMM
The bright-eyed beauties are the largest of the 'microbats', weighing between 130 and 170 g with wingspans over half a meter (0.6m). Maintaining these good looks takes a quality diet - MEAT! #2021MMM
NEXT UP: No. 6 seed Ammonite (Didymoceras nebrascense) vs No. 11 seed Demon Eartheater Cichlid (Satanoperca jurubari)! #2021MMM
Ammonites were so named because of their resemblance to the horns of Ammon - the Greek/Roman version of Amun, the Egyptian God of life and reproduction #2021MMM
That being said...not sure what horns our Ammonite, Didymoceras nebrasense most closely resemble. Didymoceras is an example of a heteromorph ammonite, named because their shells don't follow the normal symmetrical spiral coil of other ammonites #Squiggles#2021MMM
NEXT UP: #2 Southern pudu (Pudu puda) vs #15 Seba's short-tailed fruit bat (Carollia perspicillata) #2020MMM
The short-tailed fruit bat is a medium brown, leaf-nosed bat found in forest through Central America and most of South America (ranges from southern Mexico to southern Brazil) #2020MMM
This small but mighty fruit bat weighs in at about 20 grams (or ~1/10 of a stoat #StoatsAsMeasurement). But size isn't everything! These bats have a secret athletic talent hiding up their wing - BOXING! #TinyTerrors#2020MMM