Marilyn Monroe was “discovered” by then Captain Reagan while working in a drone factory in WWII. “As Norma Dougherty, she began working at the Radioplane Munitions Factory in Van Nuys, California, while her husband served in the military overseas with the Merchant Marines.”
The New Statesman December 2002, the Iraq War would start 3 months later
In addition to Perle with his dreams of “total war” other Project for the New American Century founders included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, & Scooter Libby. In their seminal 2000 report Rebuilding America’s Defences they also proposed creation of a Space Force
The Proactive Pre-Emptive Operations Group was devised to “antagonize and even expose terrorist organizations and their leaders” , the mutated spawn of Operation Northwoods which Kennedy rejected shortly before his assassination.
Project HARP [a joint venture of US DoD and Canada’s Department of National Defence in the 1950s-1960s] space guns, and the remnants of the abandoned research station in Barbados [then West Indies] ✨
The Project HARP space gun [L] and its predecessor, the V3 from the Nazi V-weapons program. The superguns were dismantled after the war and brought to the US for study.
The predecessor of the V-3 was the Paris Gun, a product of WWI. The long-range siege gun was used to bombard Paris and produced by Friedrich Krupp A.G., the top arms manufacturer for Germany in WWI & WWII [which merged with Thyssen AG in 1999 and now makes your steel fridge]
Okay, yes- at the very least, there was a massive cocaine, cash and guns deal between the cartels and CIA. And yes Barr did work for the CIA- but only as a lobbyist! and yes factories in AR did manufacture guns but they were M1’s and it was a casual business arrangement- not CIA!
It’s kind of funny imagining some beleaguered US marshal kicking aside Israeli art students who have invaded the lobby of his facility so he can get to the snack machine for a Twix & firing off another memo asking why they’re taking pics of the pentagon and have $200K cash 😂
🌀 we need to get to the bottom of what the Israeli and Viennese art students were up to 💀
The Gates-backed IMHE and McKinsey consultants presented Cuomo with data that showed imminent overwhelming of NY health systems and mass casualties which prompted him to adopt policy of having hospitals discharge coronavirus patients to nursing homes, which then seeded outbreaks.
Global Health Policy has been expropriated by firms like McKinsey and Deloitte. Same who say “trust experts” ignore them in favor of management consultants- paid for by Gates, and use corporate strategy and profit aims to influence sovereign governments and organizations like WHO