There was a season in my life that I was in utter turmoil
Restless and exhausted; troubles met me at every turn
Outwardly I faced conflicts and inwardly emotional turmoil every single day and for years
As a promoted senior management staff of a Tier-1 Nigerian bank,
with chauffer driven brand new 4-wheel-drive official car at a time and for years; I was always in distress in spite of my seeming ‘flashy’ appearances
Many a times, I’ll be moved to want to jump on the 3ML bridge into the lagoon, commit suicide and end it all..
I was under the oppression of sin (was engaged in some extramarital affairs! yes – affairs thinking that would ease the tension on me…)
Religion couldn’t help me! I was in earnest search of peace, it remained elusive..
Then Christ found me! And at November 2019 GSWMI NoG,
I got filled with Holy Spirit.
And what a change of reality! Times of refreshing streaming from the Lord’s presence unto me.
The attendant bliss is indescribable. I become a new creation – SpiritBeing having a soul, living in a body. Sin completely alien to me.
Holy Spirit unveiling the reality of every truth within me, I become His vessel of honor.
Now, I can’t hold to let others know the Truth, bring them into the Light and be set free from shackles of sin, afflictions and evil.
I stand very bold to proclaim this Goodnews of the
Gospel of Christ Jesus. Distributing heavenly verities unto people as Holy Spirit works in me, to will and to do God’s good pleasures.
I am sold and completely to Christ’s great commission to continually bring Christ to people, healing to lepers and to those who are sick,
and make it my habit to break off the demonic presence from people, and raise the dead back to life. Freely I have received the power of the kingdom, so freely I release it to others. Hallelujah!!!
Now is opportunity to fellowship with us at GSWMI Prayer and Tongues Fest –
Dear Abba Father, I thank you for the ability of your Word in my spirit.
I am a doer of the Word, not just a hearer.
The results of living in, and by the Word are evidently manifested in every areas of my life today and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Health, Prosperity, Success, Victory, Glory, Honor and other glorious provisions of the Gospel are my present-hour realities in the name of Jesus! Amen!
And I dispense eternal verities all over the world, preaching Christ – Salvation, Holy Spirit in-filling, healing, deliverance
miracles, counseling in the Gospel and matters of life. For I am the Supernatural Advantage to our world – I am Evangelist Samuel Tope-Ojo! Hallelujah!!!
By the power of Holy Spirit, I positively influence our world with my Christ Gospel messages, bringing billion souls to God’s
Jesus Christ speaking in Mark 16:17-18, is very emphatic as to the criteria for living in the supernatural – Faith/Belief in Him!
In all my years as ‘religious Christian’ I’ve always believed that supernatural advantages are exclusive to the ‘super anointed’,
the ‘super righteous’ and ‘super holy’… but alas! What an ignorance…
When we believe in Christ Jesus and accept Him into our lives as our Lord and Saviour, we have Holy Spirit deposited in us, as a seal/identity of our salvation. This is scripture.
And to start living in the Supernatural? Just simply stir up the Holy Spirit in you!
Now, this incredibly simple process here is the Gospel – the Goodnews of the Kingdom.
Religiosity will never want you know this, so that you can continue to be the ‘convert subjugated
Obedience is better than sacrifice. That says the scriptures, correct?
So, when you are running away from sin, what is that? It is a sacrifice!
Why? You are not meant to be ‘running away from sin’.
If you are ChristKind, you are to be able to say just like Jesus Christ (our joint-heir) that “for the ruler of this dark world is coming. But he has no power over me, for he has nothing to use against me”
The soul that sin shall die! – Amen.
The soul that sinned died on the cross! – for all our sins were laid on Jesus Christ on the cross.
Now, as a believer, I am the prolongment of Jesus Christ’s life that died for me.
The sin question was answered to fulfill all righteousness. The One (Jesus Christ) that died