Actually no: the disparity began earlier when science policy decisions were made to focus primarily on innovation at the expense of developing cheap, traditional technologies that could be scaled for LMICs. We’re now working to fill that gap, and with some progress
The new technology vaccines so far can be made in quantities sufficient for North America Europe, but not yet for billions of doses required for SubSaharan Africa (1.1 billion people), Latin America (650 million people), poor Asian countries (400 million). We need 4 billion doses
Hopefully ours can make a difference and help fill the gap
Many thanks @chucktodd for hosting me @MeetThePress discussing the new @WHO report on COVID19 origins + why i think more is needed to trace how it began in terms of animal origins. For instance new @ScienceMagazine paper tracing it back to October
Here’s the excellent paper from UCSD on the origins in Hubei… I think by sending in international teams to take samples from animals livestock wastewater we might really get to the origins
I also said this is in the enlightened self interest of the Chinese given that they’ve now suffered through two major coronavirus epidemics: SARS in 2003 and SARS-2 in 2019. We’ve done a lot of work in China, even keeping a lab in Shanghai in the 1990s studying parasitic disease
Thread 1/5: I'm profoundly worried about the absence of COVID-19 vaccines for Africa and Latin America. Remember the scale required: with 1 billion people in SubSaharan Africa and 650 million in Latin America, that's almost 1.7 billion people, easily 3.5 billion doses of vaccine
2/5 Who will provide 3.5 billion doses of vaccines? The COVAX facility is excellent in its design, but honestly the vaccines just aren't there: 1) mRNA vaccines cannot be scaled to that level, eventually but not now 2) probably not J&J/Novavax, 3) and new concerns about AZOx
3/5 While innovation is important and produced some great vaccines for the US and Europe, it's as if no one gave adequate attention to ensuring that simple, unfussy, durable, low cost vaccines would be made available for Africa and Latin America?
Many thanks @AlisynCamerota @JohnBerman for hosting me @NewDay a little bit to smile about given we now have about one-half of the US population partially immune either from a single vaccination or recovery from previous infection, also good news from AZOx
It's now likely AZ will file for EUA with our FDA, that's important not only to have a 4th COVID19 vaccine in the US, but it's reaffirming for use of the vaccine globally. Remember we are depending on this one to become a workhorse vaccine for Latin America, possibly Africa.
In the meantime, our COVID19 numbers are not coming down due to the rise of the B.1.1.7 variant and the fact that America is traveling, 1 million people this weekend in airports, spring break, governors prematurely lifting restrictions. We're doing all we can to help the virus
1/5: Many thanks @chucktodd for hosting me on @MeetThePress discussing a globalizing antiscience antivaccine movement and it’s far reaching effects
2/5 it first accelerated out of Texas in 2015, which is when I began confronting it. It linked to the Tea Party forming antivaccine Antiscience PACs, and then spread into other red states. This explains new findings that 1/3 US population is vaccine hesitant mostly from the Right
3/5 this helps to explain why we’re seeing Fox anchors push antivaccine tropes in the last couple of weeks, also Great Barrington links to antivaccine groups. Doing my best to go on Conservative news outlets to head it off.
Many thanks @EricaRHill @JohnBerman for hosting me on @NewDay discussing a third poll result showing high #covid19 vaccination hesitancy among the Republican Party. How did we get to this place and what should we do? Here’s my thinking and approach
First, it’s history. In 2015 the antivaccine movement re-energized by linking to the Republican Tea Party, accelerating under a “health freedom” banner and the formation of antivax PACs in especially here in Texas, some other Western States
Then in 2020 what was an antivaccine movement expanded its remit to protests against masks and social distancing to become a full on antiscience movement, mostly in Red States. Defying masks, distancing, and Covid vaccines become linked to political allegiances to the Rs