This is incredible. First, read this article - who was CIA Director in 1976? George HW Bush...…
A failed bill was introduced in 2016 to recognize the work of these survivors and non-survivor family members and afford benefits. Clapper made more than an effort to block this from happening in 2011.
The bill was re-introduced in July 2020. Anyone else thinking maybe all that money may not be there anymore. And if not, where is it? Black Ops?
Let's talk about Air America for a moment. A story in pictures...
I saw this last night and it took me down a bit of a rabbit hole and I was too tired for that last night so here goes.
I blocked out Herbert in George Jr's name because that's not accurate.
Got me thinking about a day where we had some corn posts and went back to look. The timing of those posts (7.27.19) are interesting because of the timing of Space Force ramping up a satellite program starting in 2020.
Let's back up. We know the CIA used Black Ops and how are those funded? Defense spending bills. WHAT IF money was pulled from the CIA Black Ops budget to apply towards Space Force's mission. Kill two birds with one stone. Remember the missle launches including the one in WA?
Well look at these three posts on 4/4 that start with topics for which we'd like to hear truths (April Showers?) - moves to the real purpose for the Wall - end with mention of vaccines
1010 - Is that "Time?" 4/5?
(NOT ALL vaccines are bad.)
Did you know that 4/5 is National Go For Broke Day? 😉
"Wager Everything."
Remember when Grassley caught hell from the Left for tweeting Pidgin??
Are we talking about a different vaccine? He said on Maria Bartiromo last night the "vaccine will save the world."
3/15 - Ides Of March. Betrayal. Taking out the leader. Re-listen to yesterday's speech. 12/8/17 in Pensacola. Trump hits several topics.
The first is Fake News. He said he would speak directly to the American people. In plain (plane?) English. He also mentions the spiderweb in DC. People who want things "business as usual." (Profitable)
Time on the watch is 3.42. @mattming1 posted a great correlation between the 45 Schedule tweet, the watch and 3/15.
Two years later, we still have a border crisis and another invasion happening on the border today. What is the current administration doing to solve the problem? NOTHING? Where is the Commander in Chief on foreign invasion? Matter of NATSEC?