Q: Any special memories from spring?
Yves: When I was 21, I once looked out a bus window and took in the scenery. I happened to be listening to DEAN's "21", and I remember everything so vividly since it was all so perfect: the song, the scenery, the wind blowing past my face.
Olivia Hye shyly said, "I'm like chic color black" and "in LOONA, I'm in charge of darkness."
Go Won described herself as "yellow light," always able to find at least one positive thing, even in bad situations.
As one of the older members, Yves said she was like an "engine" with a more mature answer: "I try to set an example for the other members so that we can move in a better direction."
While having time to recharge after 12:00 promotions, the members have been diving into Pilates and spending their days healthily.
Go Won: Until we get there, I think "oh it's going to be too tiring, oh no" but after the lesson, I feel very proud of myself."
These days it's natural to pursue individual activities while being in a group. When asked what she's interested in doing more of,
her answer was, "firstly I want to focus on goals as LOONA," and "I'd like for LOONA to be a group that makes people naturally give a thumbs up whenever they hear the name," showing her love for the group.
Their feature in Pilates S (April 2021) will span 16 pages.
Olivia Hye says the weather was great today. There's a cherry blossom tree in front of their dorm and with the nice breeze today, she found it pretty to look at.
She said she just wore a tshirt on the way to bbc and back today but it was still pretty hot today.
At the start of ep2 they briefly talked about the big domestic response after ep1
(The official Youtube restream got 1.3M views in a week, and viewership rating was combined 3.1%, which is quite good for a new show on this type of TV station)
The ep ends on a cliffhanger again during the challenge (earlier, the staff said they'd let them see the challenge)
Chuu: "No, you said we'd see!! You said!"