@CNotlof Thank you for your sentiments, greatly appreciated. Before I answer your question, allow me to give you the perspective from which my opinion arises. I am a descendant of people who were lynched, blinded, mutilated, etc. for daring to learn to read and write. But they learned
@CNotlof 2)anyway. One of the greatest orators of all time, and a former slave, Frederick Douglass, believed that the ability to read and write was the first step to freedom. That history enabled me to be where I am today. I was able to expound on my literacy skills to become what I
@CNotlof 3)chose, which was a physician. I began lecturing on the value of education while still in college. I never took my education for granted, I viewed it as a gift provided by those who came before. My parents sacrificed a great deal to move us into a neighborhood where Blacks were
@CNotlof 4)not welcome, so that my siblings and I could obtain a fantastic public education, which we did. It is my sincere belief that education should be valued the same as gold--I believe it is worth much more. It provides liberation in so many ways: from poverty, from social and
@CNotlof 5)psychological restrictions(mental prisons), etc. This gift, this tool called education, should be respected for the immense opportunities it provides. It is why I get so incensed when I witness it's devaluation for superficial, self-serving purposes. It mocks what many have
@CNotlof 6)sacrificed to acquire. In answer to your question, no, I do not believe physicians are overeducated. Medicine is a dynamic, expansive entity. If our education was not what it is, we could not expand with it. Diseases/disorders such as AIDS, Kawasaki disease, maple syrup urine
@CNotlof 7)disease and and other IEMs, the discoveries of PCN, polio, measles and now COVID vaccines might not have been discovered if our education had remain limited and invariable. We are witnessing the damage done by those untrained in medicine. There is no fake it until you make it.
@CNotlof 8)There is no apprenticeship so exceptional that it can replace the formal model under which we currently exist. An abbreviated education results in abbreviated knowledge. When one accepts that as sufficient, then one has accepted mediocrity as their standard. Physicians tend to
@CNotlof 9)be high-achieving and/or intensely driven students by nature. In general, physicians pursue excellence in their craft. We don't dummy down, we smarten up. So no, we are not over-educated. We are educated just right. 📚🩺@pppforpatients
There is a misperception that Physicians for Patient Protection(PPP) only advocates for or opposes scope creep issues related to NPs/PAs. Nope. We oppose anyone attempting to practice medicine w/o a license. Attached is info on pending or active legislation in almost every state
2)regarding CRNAs, CNMs, naturopaths, , pharmacists, optometrists, psychologists, etc. It's exhausting. We do this because we have to. Because it is in the best interest of the public. We inform the public so they also know and can protect themselves against people practicing
3)beyond their scope. An informed patient is an empowered patient. We don't have lobbyists, who are incredibly expensive, so we do the legwork ourselves. We volunteer our time willingly--it is essential to our mission, which is to protect patients and the integrity of the
For the love of God Texas legislators, please stop giving everyone the right to practice medicine and/or surgery UNSUPERVISED. NPs, CNMs, CRNAs, PAs, Optometrists...How many damaged patients will it take? How many? Give me a number. So we know. authenticmedicine.com/2020/05/what-k…
Tweet Peeps, most of you who know me know that I am a wordsmith. Not quite as exceptional as @OTirmizi, but close. One of my biggest pet peeves is word manipulation. Spinning. Why? Because in some instances, it is intentionally used to deceive. When it deceives the public, I get
2)enraged. So let me demonstrate an example of a hospital's ad to provide consult services for Endocrinology, specifically, diabetes. So the "specialists" in the ad are two NPs. Deceitful act #1: One NP is described as a "board-certified NP who specializes in care for
2)endocrine diseases..." The implication is that he/she is a specialist in diseases of the endocrine system, with a particular focus in DM. His/her memberships includes the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists(-ology)--lending false credibility to his/her being an
Physician colleagues in Texas(and elsewhere), I ask that you please sign this petition for the Wattenbarger family to support them in persuading legislators to pass Betty's Law. This is especially important in light of a proposed bill, HB 2029, which change.org/p/greg-abbott-…
2)would allow NPs to practice medicine unsupervised. Physicians for Patient Protection(PPP) is vigorously opposing this bill because they don't wish to see any more preventable cases like Betty's. PPP was contacted by the Wattenbarger family when they read about the organization
3)in a news story concerning a NP-run hormone clinic. A community physician, @amytownsendmd, a board member of PPP, was able to get the clinic shut down after two patients died and a child was mismanaged. In both cases, NPs misrepresented themselves and "supervision" was lax.
Peeps, Texas is next on the chopping block for FPA. NPs are at it again, trying to pass legislation(HB 2029) so they can practice unsupervised. If there was ever a time to stand up against, this is it. Physicians from all over, write letters or call Texas authenticmedicine.com/2021/02/oh-no-…
2)legislators. NPs in this forum who oppose FPA, this is your time to put your money where your mouth is. It is not enough to say you don't support it then sit back on your laurels. Write/call the legislators and let them know. I have listed their contact info. Klick is a lost
3)cause--she is the sponsor of the bill. I encourage the public who don't support nurses practicing medicine unsupervised to contact these house members as well. MS legislators had the good sense to recognize that they needed to get more information before passing a bill that
FYI CALIFORNIA PHYSICIANS: As most of you may know, AB 890, the bill sponsored by a nutwad dentist who thinks that NPs and physicians are the same, was passed into law on 9/29/20. As is typical with FPA, the plan on how that law will be executed is disorganized. Oversight by a
2)BON who is not only under investigation for falsifying documents, but who also voted against the bill and wanted no part of supervision but were forced, a weak "advisory" committee to the BON which has no enforcement powers whatsoever, a "transition to practice", provided NPs
3)have 3 years of FT "equivalent" work in good standing, (although this requirement can be modified if they have a DNP degree), etc. The legislature made their intent clear: "2837.100. It is the intent of the Legislature that the requirements under this article shall not be an