📍AIRBORNE RESTAURANT TRANSMISSION—3 families—“No close contact or fomite contact identified, aside from back-to-back sitting—Airflow dynamics indicates the infection distribution is consistent with a spread of **long-range transmission of exhaled virus-laden aerosols**”. 🧵
2) It was clearly aerosol airborne transmission— “No sharing of items (e.g., a kettle) was observed between the three tables and no conversations occurred between the three families.”
3) here was the air pattern—“The infection risk was also higher for patrons at zone-ABC tables (red) than those at non-ABC zone tables (χ2 = 25.78, P < 0.001). None of the patrons seated in the non-ABC zone were infected.”
4) Bottomline: the coronavirus is VERY airborne.
➡️ Anyone else feel like indoor school cafeteria lunchrooms without masks are a bad idea?
We need to ventilate + use CDC approved air disinfection. Outdoor lunches safest for kids. Let’s get these upgrades for kids schools now!
5) Have we seen indoor transmission in a restaurant before? Many many times. This South Korea 🇰🇷 infection stood out — it was from 20 feet away and a teenager was infected within just 5 minutes in the restaurant! See 🧵
6) How is aerosol different from large droplets? aerosol study indicates that coronavirus is persistent and stable for many hours. Typical air exchange every 20 min to 4 hrs, depending on ventilation. #COVID19
7) VENTILATION is key. Both ventilation and masks needed to reduce risk indoors. But most buildings not ventilated well enough.
8) “Until we recognise that #COVID19 is airborne we are setting ourselves up for repeated failure”
9) Now that aerosol transmission of the coronavirus is established, we need to disperse aerosols quickly. Key is ventilation. 🇯🇵 assumed it was airborne from the beginning. Here is how to ventilate your school classrooms if unable to open window. #COVID19
10) What we critically need in schools and restaurants is VENTILATION & AIR CLEANING whenever ventilation isn’t enough.
Air cleaning should be restricted to just CDC approved products. See detailed thread 🧵 below on CDC guidance on safe school air quality ⬇️
11) We need >=5 air exchanges per hour. Most classroom ventilation only offers 1-2/hour. Need air disinfection via portable HEPA filters or UV disinfection—do *not* use ionization based devices, says @marwa_zaatari, indoor air expert.
13) BARS➡️OUTBREAKS. Over 600 students in one rural Illinois county were affected when a #COVID19 outbreak forced their school to close earlier this year.
đź“ŤThe CDC now says a poorly ventilated bar opening event is to blame.
BREAKING—FDA suddenly cancels meeting to update next season’s flu vaccines, with zero explanations. Any delays will jeopardize next year’s vaccine supply chain.
2) Folks who follow me know that I’m no bullshitter. I criticized past pandemic response right and left, and have called balls and strikes without bias. And I often say things that doctors & epidemiologists are whispering among themselves but don’t say publicly. (Cough cough) ⬇️
3) While I don’t recommend hoarding… I think stocking up on flu antivirals, which you can obtain prophylactically (preventively) from doctors if you ask nicely why you’re high risk, can be a good idea. I know many doctors, epidemiologists and virologists who do for their family.
Doctors are debunking RFK Jr’s claim that 20 hospitalized measles cases in Texas are there for mainly quarantine. Doctors on the ground say the 20 kids hospitalized are having trouble breathing. Oh and they are all unvaccinated against measles, which RFK Jr neglects to mention.
2) RFK Jr told Trump today there’s now 2 measles deaths.
Woke or biology? There are actually more than the basic “male” XY & “female” XX sexes. Why? Because biology also creates people with single X chromosomes, or extra chromosomes like XXX, XXY, XYY, or XXX+, plus many 🧬genes. 👉All I’m asking is— please be kind to others. Thanks🙏
2) “The most frequent SCAs include Turner syndrome (45,X), Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), Trisomy X syndrome (47,XXX), and Double Y syndrome (47,XYY).”
3) “The phenotype seen in SCAs is highly variable and may not merely be due to the direct genomic imbalance from altered sex chromosome gene dosage but also due to additive alterations in gene networks and regulatory pathways across the genome as well as individual genetic modifiers.”
I'm shocked a lot of doctors don't know about this newer flu antiviral drug called Baloxavir (XOFLUZA)... that shortens your flu illness by 33%, and reduces your viral load by day 2, versus what a placebo takes 5-6 days to achieve. Baloxavir also seems superior to TAMIFLU (oseltamivir) for smashing your viral load on 2 day, achieving what takes Tamiflu 3-4 days. CDC even lists Baloxavir on their website as one of the top 4 drugs that it tracks whether it works against new flu strains (it works)
2) "Baloxavir was associated with significantly more rapid declines in infectious viral load than placebo or oseltamivir (Figure 3A and 3B)." nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…
3) Adverse events for baloxavir were no different than placebo. in fact theres even hints that it could be lower than Tamiflu.
"Adverse events that were considered to be related to the trial regimen were more common in oseltamivir recipients (8.4%) than in baloxavir recipients (4.4%, P=0.009)"
⚠️WORST FLU SEASON ever since 2002-2003 when we began to track flu (red, first graph). Worst hit this year are children ages 0-4 and 5-17. ▶️We also have significantly LOWER flu vaccine uptake this year, one of the lowest flu vaccine coverages (red 3rd graph). Indisputable facts.
2) I don't need to tell you that certain US states have vastly lower vaccination rates than others. See map (lighter green, less flu vaccination coverage), and which have higher (darker green)...
If you want to see details and demographics on which state has the LOWEST flu vaccine coverage rates... the data is here. cdc.gov/fluvaxview/das…
3) It’s not just the flu that is going around… Gaines County, TX, where the epicenter of the measles outbreak is, has one of the lowest measles vaccination rates too.