MATs already lead the way on many areas of innovation in schools - curriculum, assessment, teacher training, school improvement /2
Some of the Directors of #SEND and #Inclusion I know are really experienced and dedicated leaders and they work alongside heads trying to do their best. People like @Nic_Crossley1 and @simontanner_SEN - there are many others /4
You might think Directors of MATs are not as accountable as LA officials, but they are accountable for their own targets and to people like me (trustees), who actually check and have nothing to lose when asking difficult Qs /5
MATs can also employ specialist staff - speech and language therapists, Ed Psychs and counsellors - Who can build LT relationships with pupils and families /6
In addition the support of in-house specialists bypasses the delays in local area services and helps improve early identification and support. #WINWIN /7
#SENCos in MATs can also benefit from Collaborating with other SENCos, deciding processes and policies and learning from each other so that they can be the leaders they are meant to be /8
Young people and their families also benefit when they transition across MAT schools with the same systems and processes along with continuity of support /9
People that work in and lead MATs are not inherently bad, exclusive or discriminatory. Of course bad stuff happens. But IME the vast majority want what we all want - what’s best for kids, their staff and the wider community /end