It is a pleasure to start the today thread of @ACMwomENcourage#posterTrackPC presentations with Sarah Jane Delany, prof @WeAreTUDublin, expert on text analytics and concept drift. BTW her highly influential report on k-NN classifiers got Python examples…
Mary Sanchez Gordon @mary_sanchezg is assoc prof @hiofnorge. Her expertise is on blockchain technology and software engineering process. Check her recent talk about software engineering career choices of Andean indigenous #diversity@ICGSE
Mirella Sangiovanni @kioccioluna studies computational biodiversity at @jadatascience She has recently designed a network of smart beehive for monitoring urban biodiversity, see the image below. For more details check…
“Bridging Communities to Foster Innovation” theme of @ACMwomENcourage 2021: dear authors, please stress the connecting nature of your work (diff disciplines, communities, industry/academia...) and its innovative character… Find more about our amazing PC ⬇️
Delfina Maladrino @delfinamalandr1 Asst Prof @UniSalerno studies the distributed systems on the World Wide Web, collaborative and learning systems, user privacy and social networks. It is great to have Delfina on the @ACMwomENcourage#posterTrackPC!
Tiziana Margaria @TizianaMargari1 chair of Software Systems @UL is an expert on functional verification, reliability, and compliance of complex heterogeneous systems. Are you interested in submitting a poster on one of these topics:… ?
Good morning! @ACMwomENcourage is looking for poster submissions from all areas of computer science and computational sciences. The theme of this year is “Bridging Communities to Foster Innovation”.… In this thread I'll continue introducing the amazing PC!
Valérie Issarny @INRIA studies middleware solutions easing the development of distributed collaborative services, including mobile services deployed over smartphones and interacting with sensors and actuators.
Gerti Kappel form @tuvienna is prof of business informatics. Her research covers a broad spectrum of topics form workflow management to service engineering, from model-based engineering to cognitive decision support.…
Good morning! It is a great pleasure to continue introducing the amazing members of the @ACMwomENcourage poster track program committee!
Hana Chockler @HanaChockler is a reader in Computer Science @KingsCollegeLon. Her expertise is on formal verification and causality. In 2013 she gave a Xmas lecture "Why was I late for school today?" Check it out :) It is great to have Hana onboard!
Smart kids want to be brain surgeons, don't they? Michelle Chong @mst_chong works on mathematical control and systems theory with applications to neuroscience (and power systems). And look at the blocks in the background: they represent digits of Pi! Thank you for joining the PC.
Good morning! Curious about more amazing researchers from the @ACMwomENcourage poster track PC? Here is the today thread. Attn @f_sarro@barabuhnova
Carmen Botella Mascarell, assoc prof @UV_EG, works on advanced multi-antenna techniques and cognitive and software-defined radio. She has recently published a Spanish-language article about girls in STEM: curious? Here is the link…