Don't assume parents are writing open letters, or expressing their concerns about these changes having not read the (sparse) information provided. WE HAVE READ IT & still have very serious concerns. /1 #MBED#MBPoli Stop insulting the intelligence of Manitobans, @CliffCullenMLA
In schools that have PACs, they are primarily made up of white, higher-income Moms who have the resources, the time, & the privilege to volunteer at their children's schools. This is in no way to devalue their hard work. However @BrianPallister's comments made nasty assumptions..
@BrianPallister made comments insinuating that parents who have to work 2+ jobs to provide for their families aren't "making sacrifices" for their children's education. Their sacrifices are just different from those of the parents who can afford to volunteer on PACs #MBEd#MBPoli
Due to systematic racism and ableism, most of the parents who work multiple jobs to make ends meet are immigrants, people of colour, people with disabilities, and other minority groups. Most of the privileged families are white. Because racism. #MBEd#MBPoli@CliffCullenMLA
Your plan completely misses the point that children perform poorly on standardized testing when they are HUNGRY & when they live in poverty. MB's poverty rates have (slightly) decreased does not mean we do not need to address this serious problem in our schools. #MBEd#MBPoli
In fact, poverty rates in MB decreased largely due to the FEDERAL Child Tax Benefit program, which had nothing to do with the @BrianPallister government.…
How can single parents volunteer for PACs while working minimum wage jobs to scrape together enough to provide for their families? In Manitoba, over 60% of single-parent households are below the poverty line, but they should volunteer at their child's school? #MBEd#MBPoli
Exactly which "sacrifice" does @BrianPallister want these parents to make? Should they sacrifice buying groceries? Paying rent? Utilities? Please, let us know what these exhausted, underpaid, underemployed parents should sacrifice first, @CliffCullenMLA#MBEd#MBPoli#Poverty
Please, @CliffCullenMLA, @BrianPallister, Why don't *YOU* read the reports, Mr. Cullen, and then tell us again how you've reduced poverty in Manitoba?