So the "N95s are dangerous for pregnant women absurdity?".. turns out it was based on a completely flawed study, where they basically made some pregnant people breath through a straw while exercising. Sounds like a real safe and relevant test.
As Dr. Conly reminded us on Friday, when considering Airborne Transmission, "it's very important to take into consideration the very very complex environment".... "direction of airflow, the number of air changes, temperature, relative humidity... its veeery very complex"
This is actually NOT "complex" for Aerosol scientists, mechanical engineers, building scientists, and other experts in fluid mechanics. Due to the Pandemic, these experts have diverted their brainpower to this problem. See summary of studies below.
Let's unpack Dr. Conly on the Precautionary Principle.
Q: Why weren't HCW provided N95s, given the advanced warning that SARS2 might be Airborne?
Conly: "I need to see a much higher level of evidence..."
(🤔 That's not how the Precautionary Principle works)
🧵 1/
He then makes a pretty bold claim:
"certainly from our experience in Alberta, in Phase 1" the HCWs wore "gowns, gloves, medical masks"... and "not a single HCW transmission"... despite "highly infectious, hot viral patients"
*Phase 1* is defined here: MARCH-APRIL 2020
So why the "Phase 1" qualifier? Why is he using evidence from a 1 to 2 month period that was over a year ago, and extrapolating out to "8 months of continuous contact time", rather than just telling us what happened during the past year?
Re. "Is this really a debate?". Watch this video for yourself...
While this is from July 2020... so far there has been no public movement from Dr. Conly or the WHO IPAC committee on this issue. If anything they have dug-in their heels further.
Just want to clarify that it's likely the Mother was the Index case. Child tested negative at the hospital. Mother was asymptomatic but developed symptoms 2 days after discharge, tested positive on day 4. Child tested positive on day 6.
Another key quote:
"As some of the report's authors were taking part in the medical round and got infected, we can declare there was full compliance with PPE guidelines."