A complete guide to learning JavaScript for Web Development
JavaScript is a robust language for web development. You should learn it if you want to be a web developers
Reasons π½
πΉ Currently used by 94.5% websites
πΉ Wide range of applications including mobile and desktop devices
πΉ Most in-demand language
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Depth of JavaScript is something that every developer loves or hates (Not sure). But starting with it is easy.
Even it becomes 50% easier if you're familiar with the few common programming concepts. For example, loops. control statements etc...
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Learning any new technology follows the same principle - You should learn the basics first
Let's see some key concepts of JavaScript you should learn for web development
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Start with the basics of JavaScript or we can say basic of any programming language
- Print statement
- Data types and variables
- Basic operators
- Logical operators
- Comparisons
- Loops and statements
These all are pretty basic stuff in any programming language
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JavaScript helps you to add behaviour in you websites.
These two methods can help you to add interaction using which user can interact with your web page
1. alert() 2. prompt()
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alert() - display a dialog with an optional message, and to wait until the user dismisses the dialog.
prompt() - display a dialog with an optional message prompting the user to input some text, and to wait until the user either submits the text or cancels the dialog
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Some intermediate topics that you should cover in JavaScript
Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn programming with Unix/Linux shell interpreters.
In order to make a RWD, you just need to consider one thing.
"Ability of content to fit inside any device that look good and it will be for user to interact with that"
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Responsive web design is not a kind of program or framework. We can say it's a combination of various concepts using which we try to make our web page look good on all devices
The great thing is that you can achieve RWD using HTML and CSS onlyβ‘