At #LaSoufriere#StVincent this project worked with @uwiseismic & @NEMOSVG from 2014-2018. NEMO asked us to make some communication films and @VincieRichie shared his expertise about past eruptions on a tour of the island.
(VEI = Volcanic Explosivity Index) 1/8
Filmed in 2016, in this video @VincieRichie explores the impacts of the 1902 #LaSoufriere eruption on the Leeward side of the volcano. He explains how we use the deposits to understand the eruption 2/8
Now @VincieRichie from @uwiseismic has jumped over to the Windward side (Rabacca Bridge) explains why its important not to be near or north of this bridge during explosive eruptions #staysafe (filmed in 2016) @NEMOSVG 3/8
And at Orange Hill @VincieRichie on #LaSoufriere ~SVG explains why a village that is a great place to be in 2016, becomes a bad place to be during a volcanic eruption. #staysafe#SVG 5/8
Finally @VincieRichie is in the Dry Wallibou River in 2016 - and shows some of the really large deposits from 'prehistorical eruptions' and how the rocks tell us about what happened - even though we didn't see it. #staysafe@NEMOSVG#staysafe 6/8