On Thursday, US @SFRCdems will vote on a "Strategic Competition Act" with China.
On #geoeconomic front, it aims to pull together some FP, #connectivity practices into one China-centric strategy and also proposes concrete policy measures.
Some highlights [long thread]
101: $15mil/year for US embassies to hire expert who helps interested businesses with supply chain diversification/management away from China
113: Global infrastructure needs closer monitoring, gov involvement. The Global Infrastructure Coordinating Committee (GICC) pushed as an important coordination tool
114: @SecBlinken to establish the ‘‘Infrastructure Transaction and Assistance Network’’ ($75mil) to boost capacity of partner countries to advance sustainable projects (e.g. legal service, debt analysis, proposal evaluation, project preparation)
116: on energy connectivity, @USAID should identify strategic countries, China's energy projects in those, and "evaluate strategic or security concerns" with respect to China's connectivity actions
121: on digital connectivity, @USTradeRep should negotiate digital trade agreements with EU, JAP, 5Eyes. US should pursue a "Digital Technology Trade Alliance"
122: @SecBlinken should establish ‘‘Digital
Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership" to help foreign countries:
- expand digital infra
- protect tech assets (incl data)
- adopt open digital markets
- promote US digital exports
- build cybersecurity capacity
138: expand #CFIUS activity to cover "higher education", if the institution receives >$1mil gift/contract from a foreigner which relates to research, development, production of critical tech, or establishes control
205: US & ASEAN should
- joint analysis on risks of over-reliance on Chinese tech & infra
- share FDI screening info
- coop. on import restrictions on CN surveillance tech
- reaffirm cyber norms
- explore how CN's critical tech investments (AI) will impact Indo-Pac security
208: @SecBlinken shall establish inter-agency "Technology Partnership Office" committed to
- rule of law and norms
- harmonise tech governance regimes
- R&D coop in strategic tech
- tech controls coord.
- support int. treaties
- shared data governance
... "Technology Partnership Office" also tasked:
- coordinate tech supply chain resilience
- share info on tech transfer threats
- develop common funding mechanism to develop measurably secure supply chains (semiconductors)
Tech partnership w/ trusted democracies
209: to enhance US leadership in int. standard-setting, establish an "interagency working group"; tasks:
- share security risk info with allies
- collect info about China's activities in ISOs + security risks
- engage private sector "to propose and develop secure standards"
210: on #sanctions: US has not fully implemented all sanctions & restrictions on China authorised by Congress (IP theft; cyber espionage; HR abuses; int. trade abuses; trade w/ N. Korea; etc)
"Full implementation is a necessary component of strategic competition w/ China"
211: US should initiate an agenda on China w/ #G7 countries on
- trade & investment
- infrastructure
- democracy & HR
- 5G security
- IP theft, subsidies, etc
- sovereign lending standards
- int. influence campaigns
- environmental standards
250: on Chinese "predatory economic practices and lending" in Latin America and Caribbean: boost Inter-American Development Bank
- capital increase to $80bn
- help debt restructuring from Chinese loans
- establish safeguards to protect against future Chinese debt risks
255: on Europe:
- coordinate joint strategies to diversify reliance on supply chains away from China (esp. medical & pharma)
- negotiate EU-US trade agreement
- China strategic infrastructure investments could "threaten democracy in Europe"
- share 5G/Huawei intelligence
... on Europe continued:
- close alignment of export controls
- President should "strongly advocate" for listing more controlled items
- explore value of COCOM-like body to coordinate export controls
- help Europe analyse over-reliance on Chinese goods
...on Europe continued:
- coordinate connectivity strategies (EU Connectivity; Three Seas; Blue Dot; EU-JAP partnership)
- strengthen development finance standards (DEFI Alliance)
271 on Africa, intelligence assessment of Chinese activities incl
- amount & impact of FDI, loans, development financing, preferential trade,
- involveetment of Chinese SOEs; private tech
- amount of African debt w/ China
- identify strategic sectors, countries for US action
Finally, on "Investing in our Economic Statecraft"
401: to challenge Chinese mercantilism:
- expose IP theft & subsidies
- ensure Chinese firms face costs/consequences
- provide remedies for affected US firms
- strengthen critical tech/data protection
- work w/ allies
402: create an ‘‘intellectual property violators list" which identifies all SOEs which have benefited from IP theft
403: publish annual China subsidy list, listing all forms of discriminatory and non-market practices
405: sovereign debt relief eligibility , esp. those with loans from BRI, C-Exim, CDB, AIIB
406: assessment of how China uses Hong Kong to circumvent US export controls, tariffs, sanctions
407: annual report on Chinese companies in US capital markets which contribute to
- undermine US national security
- abuse human rights
- support PLA; South China Sea efforts
- sanctioned
- IP theft, espionage
This bill may be the most serious #geoeconomic counterweight so far to the otherwise heavy focus on domestic & defensive measures. But structuring almost all FP around China is sure to be ill-received in Europe
Latest round of #5G contract allocation by China Mobile is another blow to EU 'reciprocity' demands, as @m_huotari points out. This is only the latest iteration of setbacks in
the EU-CN telecoms reciprocity saga
During 3G deployment, Nokia & Ericsson had approx. 50% market share in CN. With rise of CN national champions, N&E share tumbled (approx: 25% at start of 4G, 15% at end, <10% today)
Huawei started dumping subsidised products on EU market. This started EU anti-dumping/subsidy investigation in 2013. Under TDI threat, in 2014 CN negotiated...
2/12 uk.reuters.com/article/us-tra…
Back from recent #Tokyo trip, many interesting discussions on #geoeconomics ie developments in 5G, investment screening, export control, industrial strategy, and the EPA/SPA. Talks with Japan's MFA, EU Delegation, think tanks and academia. Some observations: [LONG THREAD]
For Tokyo, US implmt. of export controls under ECRA is next big thing. Shape and form of BIS/DoC 'emerging & foundational tech' still open but potential implications for Japanese (and EU) business is massive (extraterritorial enforcement/sanctions?)
/2 globaltradeandsanctionslaw.com/update-on-u-s-…