THREAD: Just in case anyone is looking for them, here are the draft K-4 #curriculum documents produced during the NDP process. They were validated through public surveys and public focus groups. Note: Grades 5-6 and were not being developed at the same time. /1 #ableg#abed
Have a look at these #curriculum drafts! They are age-appropriate, developmentally-appropriate, and the follow a logical scope and sequence. They were developed by teachers and education professors with extensive public consultation. /9 #abed#ableg
If you've had a chance to review the NDP and UCP drafts, which #curriculum do you think is the more educationally-sound? /10 #ableg#abed
If you've had a chance to review the NDP and UCP drafts, which #curriculum do you think is the more rooted in fundamental ideological bias? /11 #ableg#abed
No matter where you clicked on the above polls, isn't it time you called your MLA about #curriculum? /12 #abed#ableg