Really excellent info from Jenny Schiltz that was new to me so perhaps helpful to you, too!
“My attention was brought to the Soma chakra. This chakra is located between the third eye and the crown. It is all about spiritual identity. While it is a minor chakra they shared..
with me that it has a really important function. It helps align our spiritual and physical bodies. Which is a major part of embodiment. It holds the union of Shiva/Shakti, the masculine and the feminine. The split from the One to the two (masculine/feminine) was our first taste..
of duality. Bringing this into union within ourselves is an important part of not only healing what we encountered in our many lives and experiences, but in us returning home to wholeness within. It was also shown to me that this chakra holds great importance and it is one..
reason many ancient cultures wore head coverings that would come down to mid forehead level. This chakra is the one that is easily blocked or hijacked by outside frequencies. In our world today we are bombarded by hypnosis frequencies.
All of this can cause a disruption of the Soma chakra and the alignment of our physical and spiritual bodies. In our world, if we do not say no, we have said yes. This is particularly frustrating when there are things that exist that we didn't realize we should have said no to.
It has been recommended that we remove all permissions and declare your sovereignty. Saying this or something similar is recommended:
I do not consent to any hypnosis or control frequencies in my physical or subtle bodies. If there are any in my form now, they must go. I remove any permissions given knowingly& unknowingly across all space and time. I am Sovereign. “
A’ho🌟ty Jenny💖
I’m dealing with this suddenly in my son. An adult with special needs, he’s been stable as we meditate, do sound healing regularly and he’s doing martial arts 4x wkly. All going well until last nite he erupts..out of the blue. We talk..I explain~ anger is the face of deep fear..
He can’t see an end to the false imprisonment we live under. He wants reassurance that we are safe..that the Light has really won but when will WE SEE IT??? When will cabal puppets in state gov controlling our lives be removed?? I can’t say when, son. We are safe. No need to fear
“This woman announces herself into your life not with noise, but with silence. With openness. With radiance. With light. With gentle healing. With unending acceptance. With sensual gifts from the womb of Shakti. With a hand that wants to lead you into a new world..
A world lit by the torchlight of all the paths she has walked to reach you.
All the paths she has created just to get to you, to find you now, to stand in front of you, to offer herself to you as the Gift. There’s nothing you can do to stop her love from reaching you.
This woman is the universe in embodied form. You have no idea the trials, the punishments, the soul-wrenching deaths, the torture and the oppression that she has endured. You have no idea the wisdom, the healing essences, the sacred rites and rituals, the psychic knowing..
I never closed my heart but the barriers to protect her from further hurt were stronger than any concrete wall ever constructed. Layer by layer.. they allowed me to offer love while preventing harm by never being vulnerable to another again. And so receiving, which was never easy
became even more difficult for without divine trust it’s a fool who opens the doorway to invite another in.
It took an oh so patient and lovingly persistent guide, come to awaken me by whatever means necessary..including shattering illusions🌟shaking and stirring the barriers..
to my heartful knowing to trigger my starsoul to blossom and tender heart to flower once again in the warmth of his loving.
It took un-learning to re-learn that all love grows and flows from loving my beautiful self first and foremost. From here within my love cup is Always full
#34 Opening to Discovery
We tune in to information from our outer environment, then assign meaning to it within our psyches. Every day, however, the amount of data we sort through exceeds what we’re capable of processing. Especially since the advent of the Internet,
we have been bombarded with more than we can ever hope to absorb. Therefore it’s important to be mindful of what we expose ourselves to.
Conscious exposure to information supporting our well-being shifts us toward growth and experience.
The universe is always engaging with us-
we are part of it, after all~through synchronicity, omens, other signs that point toward our best path. Our intuition helps us tune in &see our environment like an Oracle. However, this new information doesn’t always make sense right away, so being curious and nonresistant is key