The roadmap to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript ๐ฃ๏ธ
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1. Understanding the full form of HTML 2. Anatomy of tags 3. HTML5 boilerplate 4. Heading tags 5. ul, ol, li, tags 6. img, span tag 7. Table tags for layout 8. Form tags 9. Some more semantic elements 10. Basic attributes
1. Inline, internal and external CSS 2. Selectors 3. Background 4. Color 5. Box model 6. Height and width 7. Margin and padding 8. Border 9. Positioning 10. display 11. Layouts 12. Grid and Flex 13. Alignment 14. Fonts 15. Animation 16. Pseudo-classes 17. Media query
๐ JavaScript
1. Print statement 2. Data types and variables 3. Basic operators 4. Logical operators 5. Comparisons 6. Loops and statements 7. alert() 8. prompt() 9. Arrays 10. Objects 11. Functions 12. Arrow function 13. Array methods
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14. Hoisting 15. Closures 16. Callbacks 17. Promises 18. Async & Await 19. Currying 20. And other ES6 feature
Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn programming with Unix/Linux shell interpreters.