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21 Apr, 121 tweets, 47 min read
Some thoughts on episode 68 of #Hercai

Either take my hand, raise me or your guardian.
You made me cry so much, you made me laugh so much, come see what love has done to me.
~ Yumus Emre

Thank you for showing the happiness and togetherness of ReyMir as parents we were all waiting for since 68 episodes.
To see your scenes with little Ömer who is playing along with you so well is heartwarming and soothing at the same time. I loved that in this episode we got to see Reyyan and Miran cry only because of happiness or because they got emotional.
I will forever be grateful to you both for giving life to Reyyan and Miran. You are not only masters in serving drama, but also comedy and this episode was the proof.
Ali Ilhan and Erhan Kozan
To our two dear directors: you served us beautiful shots of wood scenes and prison scenes. Your attention to details will be one thing that will forever make Hercai extraordinary, thank you.
The writers did a very good overall job in this episode. ReyMir scenes were beyond beautiful and even served comedy at times, Azize’s final struggle, Cihan’s redemption and Yaren’s downfall were written well.
H: “Maybe the pain will subside a little, but it will never go away.”

Miran: “Now only greens and water. Strawberry and chocolate period is still closed.”
➡️How much will we miss this shameless Miran?
Miran: “For many years while you wanted to take revenge, revenge took from you.
➡️Truer words were never spoken. Revenge took everything from Azize.
I loved the opening with classical music and if I am not mistaken it was even Vivaldi that was played, loved it!
Probably one of the most calm opening scenes we ever had in 68 episodes. As I said before, I loved that Miran made Umut listen to classical music.
I am not gonna write down the dialogue but hell what a scene that was! It was incredible to see the mingling of the two faces merged in one single person. The two devils of this Hercai story line are represented in one single face at last!
Sitting opposite to each other while the setting plays with the light and shadow, but mostly shows them in darkness. Darkness because these women’s souls were eaten up by darkness and evil. Bravo to Ali Aslan for filming this scene and Erhan Kozan for directing it!
R: “I missed the olive garden.”
M: “You know Umut, we celebrated your news here.”
R: “We took his first present here.”
M: “Your first push on the swing.”
R: “We thought about his name here.”
R: “Who knew that we would give him his name [Hazar] and he wouldn’t know and that he wouldn’t see his grandchild.”
M: “That day when I took my son from that woman, I said inside me: I succeeded dad, I succeeded. I saved my son. I kept the promise I gave my wife.
And at that moment... maybe it’s childish but...the wind suddenly blew.”
R: “Dad’s hand. That’s what you felt, right?”
M: “Exactly! How did you know?”
R: “Miran that day I said he’s my dad more than you...”
M: “I know you didn’t say it because you believed it.”
R: “I said it out of fear. I was so scared of what you lived through. That Umut will be forced to experience everything that you have experienced. You know what I think, you know my intentions.”
M: “I know. He won’t live it.”
R: “Will you forgive me? I love you so much.”
M: “And I love you so much my angel. Ok, ok, we love you too.”
➡️I loved this scene and I loved Reyyan’s apology. It was very meaningful to finally talk about Hazar death and I liked that they chose the olive garden to be the place for doing it.
R: “What is it?”
M: “Milk slice. I looked a bit at what could be beneficial.”
➡️I liked how we see that Miran is trying to help Reyyan to be able to breastfeed in the future.
A: “Why do you worry? I’m sitting in my house not harming anyone.”
M: “It’s me, Miran. The one whou raised. There is a catastrophe coming... “
A: “Don’t worry, let me be for my sadness.”
M: “One more time. If u move a step to danger…”
A: “My son’s blood is on the ground. I will not leave the blood of my son on the earth. I will not.”
➡️This scene was another proof that Azize and Miran and viceversa are the ones who know each other the best.
Miran feels that Azize’s calmness is the calmness before the storm. I liked that Miran went to see her and told her once more that revenge is over for him and not to do anything that could endanger his family.
I am sure he left her with an uneasy feeling, yet, he rightfully went back to enjoy his family and family time.
I loved, loved, loved the scene where we get to see ReyMir form a heart with Umut’s feet. And I got emotional to see how Reyyan read a bedtime story to Umut and Miran who were leaning against a giant teddy bear.
And I couldn’t help but think of Miran’s words of ep. 31 “so that I can live with her the childhood I couldn’t live.” How beautiful and touching was this sight? To hear bedtime stories that were never read to him.
R: “I regret. I apologize for what I said. I can’t forgive myself. I said it because of Umut and dad. I said it from my pain.”
M: “I deserved it.”
Reyyan: “You deserved it, but I exaggerated.”
M: “Ok, ok we talked about that.”
R: “I know we talked but I can’t forgive myself.”
M: “If for days later I’ll sleep in your arms, I’ll leave it in the past.”
R: “Alright. Can we forget?”
M: “Forgetting is difficult. If you permit me to sleep with your smell maybe I'll forget.”
R: “Ok.”
M: “If you permit us to first tie it down with dessert then I’ll both leave it in the past and forget.”
M : “Let me say something. If this guy cries..”
➡️I liked that R. picked up the conversation for the apology once again&I am glad she said out loud what I wrote in my thread in ep. 66:
R. was saying these hurtful things to M. because she was most of all scared for him and in pain for the loss of their father.
M: “Let's wake up mum. Don’t be scared, my angel, we're here. Umut and his dad.”
R: “I'm worried, let me call mum.”
M: “Ok, I’m ready. We go outside.”
➡️ Miran noticed that, although he left a note to Reyyan the morning before, R. got scared by not seeing her child and him when she woke up the morning before. So, waiting and waking her up together with Umut was a nice way of reassuring her that everything is ok +
+ the moment she wakes up and that she doesn't have to worry. These are little details that Miran is picking up that make him love him even more.
A: “It's normal after all she lived.”
M: “What can I do to help her?”
A: “It’s enough to show understanding. If it gets worse, I'll call the doctor, see a specialist, but don’t worry.”
➡️Also in this scene we see how Miran is invested in Reyyan’s well-being and that, although he calms Reyyan down brushing it off with a “it’s all good” in the morning, he tries to understand the possible reason and do something against her nightmares.
M: “Are u laughing son, are u? You are my peace, my peace. (...) I want this music to fill your soul. I didn’t read all this to be wasted right. The baby books&all that. They were all for you. Now it’s time to practice what we learned. Let’s begin.
But I have to change your diaper all by myself. But I need your help. Stop, stop. Listen to me. Don’t you dare pee on me or it will be a scandal. Alright for now. What are those? Are those feet? Where is this smell coming from? You’re so small but what is this smell?
Now we’ll clean. Now there is the matter of this powder.”
➡️I think we all agree that Ömer, together with Ebru and Akın, is an extraordinary actor. I mean the way that little guy looked at Akın when the music started playing, his legs dancing in the air +
+ his genuine laugh at him and his angry face at the words “what kind of smell is that” looking at his baba like “yeah because you grown ups smell of flowers and roses and unicorns, right?!”🌸🌹🦄 This scene is to watch over and over again.
And lastly, I got emotional at Miran’s music comment “classical music fills your soul” - thinking of what Miran’s soul was filled with as a child...
The way I loved Lütfü and the actor playing him in this scene. Seriously, to keep that straight face while probably your co-actors couldn’t stop laughing at your performance! One of truly the funniest scenes of three seasons, thank u Lütfü!
M: “It won’t end. My life won’t return to normal. This is the last time, you’re a father, Miran.”
➡️I loved how we now see that Miran is a father before everything and he prioritizes it.
F: “Like you screamed on Hazar’s head, you’ll cry over Miran’s head. (....) You sold me? Traitors!
A: “They are cleverer than you. They know how to win. I swore revenge without firing a single bullet. Now I’ll end it all with one bullet.”
M: “Don’t do the wrong thing.”
A: “Go away, go to ur family.”
M: “I won’t leave you here. I will not let you become a murderer.”
A: “I can’t visit my son’s grave, Miran! I have no strength to live. As long as this woman is alive, every breath I take is a sin for me.”
M: “I think about dad every moment. Was he suffering when he was shot? Was he scared for us (children)? Did he still have the slightest insult to me? Thinking about it, I am going crazy. I am dying of regret. But still, still I don’t think about revenge.
You will give up your revenge. You won’t do it. You will give up our revenge.”
A: “How will I look at Hazar’s face then?”
M: “My father’s bones will ache in the grave if you pull that trigger.”
A: “But then my heart will not cool down.”
M: “Hearts do change and calm down. Look at us. We were lonely people, full of hate. You have become Aishe, I became a dad, we became a family. We have become completely different people. Leave the gun. Let her bear her punishment.
But you don’t become her killer and her salvation. Don’t leave my father’s children and your son behind.”
➡️What a scene arkadaslar, what a scene that was. Akın and Ayda showed us one of the last times what kind of granddaughter-grandmother chemistry they rule! I got emotional for the fact that who can really talk to Ayse/Azize’s heart is, only and exclusively, Miran.
Finally she can and does listen to his words and she cries, lowering the gun slowly. The fortress “Azize'' starts to crumble with every word that Miran utters until we get to the point where Miran uses the lines “hearts do change and calm down”
I couldn’t help but cry at this point. His whole dialogue was what Azize always brainwashed him with: that by hurting other people for what was done to you, you would find peace and do justice to the person that was wronged.
But which is lastly, of course, not true because you only get lonely, you only become full of hate and your pain does not subside. So, if ppl wronged you and you got hurt, don’t hurt them in return because your pain will not simply go away with this act.
It stays with us no matter what we do. So it’s better to face it, work on it and let it go instead of holding it back and letting it blacken our hearts! What an incredible life message! Bravo to the writers for this! 👏
And last but not least: while Miran was talking to Azize in this soothing way, I couldn’t help but think about Reyyan. What an incredible turnover she was able to achieve with Miran and that he now passes on to Azize.
To bring someone from complete darkness into light simply by showing and giving love. From a person who was full of hate and anger, to a person who learned to live with pain, accept it, and I would even dare to say, embrace it.
Who taught this young man to let go of resentment because if you succumb to it, you ultimately only burn and hurt yourself the most - and Azize is the best example.
Now let me say something about how the scene was shot.
I liked that the scene was shot in daylight as I said before - daylight also as a metaphor of things finally coming “into light”. When the drone shot zoomed out, did you pay attention to the tree? We went back to the same place where Hazar was shot.
The lying tree that divided Azize and Füsun. Did you pay close attention to the tree? It was not simply a tree trunk lying on the ground. It was a tree that was uprooted. And did you pay attention to the music that was playing?
It was the music we first heard when Azize revealed to Nashu that she was Ayse, back when they were standing under their tree next to the farm. Remember we always heard “children pay for the sins of their fathers” and a family is built like a tree?
That children are the branches and parents are their roots? And now, in the last frame we see a tree that is uprooted.
It can be read as a metaphor - the “problem” was erased from its root because Miran prevented Azize from taking another revenge&with this gesture, he finally and lastly broke the vicious circle because his/their children won't pay for the sins of their fathers anymore.
And as we know that Ali Ilhan directed that scene, bravo Maestro!👏
“I'm not here. If you want revenge. Then I'm not with you. Why don’t you understand? For many years while you wanted to take revenge, revenge took from you. We have our close ones. I changed.
I have changed too, babanne. I realized this when I looked into the eyes of this woman who killed my father and kidnapped my son. Revenge took away our loved ones. Umut, my son will not repeat my fate. I will not lose my son. And he will not lose his father.
Now you make a decision. You will return to be Azize or you will be Ayse?”
➡️An incredible voice over moment ending with a question whose answer we get served shortly afterwards. Azize who buries her praying bean chain with “A” standing for Ayse in Hazar’s grave.
The chain she always carried with herself in her hardest moments. The praying beans that she looked at everytime she had to remind herself why she was taking this revenge. I got goosebumps seeing how Azize buried Ayse for a second time together with her son.
The first time she buried Ayse on a fake grave, contemporarily marking the moment she became Azize and swore to take revenge. The second time it is her son’s real grave and we see how she “lays down to rest” Ayse with him for a second time.
Azize didn’t say a single word in this scene, yet the way she looked at the grave and the way she was crying not only for Hazar, but also for never being able to become Ayse again...
I will miss seeing Ayda portraying Azize … who I still hate for everything she has done and yet Ayda was able to portray this broken woman in such a masterful way.
A true standing ovation from my side.👏👏👏👏
#Hercai #AydaAksel
C: “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you go alone?”
M: “She found her punishment. The situation is critical.”
C: “If something happens, how will I tell my brother I didn’t take care of his son? +
Now you have a family. If you have to do something, call me. We’ll do it together.”
M: “Same thing applies to you. Thank you.”
C: “Take care.”
➡️The bonding I never thought I needed to see and yet Akın and Serdar are able to execute it so beautifully.
Y:“U said that the baby is the only obstacle for us.”
F:“I never said a thing about ur baby.”
Y:“I had an abortion for u, for a fresh start with u.”
F:“You’re not ok. Your mind has gone. U’re sick. I’ll take u to ur family.”
Y:“I’ll stay here.”
➡️There is not too much to say in this scene but what I really liked was that some fragments were shot through a broken mirror still hanging on the wall. The broken mirror as a metaphor reflecting a broken&crazy woman&a ticking time bomb when it will fall off the wall.
Have you seen when ReyMir walked towards Umut’s new arranged bedroom that we saw a little sign that says: Umut Hazar Shadoglu? And did you see that wheat grains are seen on the left side?
Wheat grains as a beautiful symbol for abundance, life, and fertility. Beautiful little detail and I couldn’t not think of the field we saw Reyyan walking through in the teaser tantim for season 3.
M: “I know when he grows up you’ll say I have to take him to school. You can take a test now.”
R: “I practiced driving with you baba.”
M: “With me too in the past.”
R: “Come let’s go.”
//Reyyan sees the red praying beans//
R: “Thank you!”
M: “Come everyone is waiting for us. You remember how to go.”
➡️One thing was M. surprising R. with a car for herself, but the true gift was that M. took care of Hazar’s broken praying beans. It was the last gift that R. received from her father&she probably thought it was gone. To have it back for sure meant the world to her.
Azra: “I wanted to talk to u. Now Füsun won’t walk or talk. She can’t harm anyone now. After all this hatred. I thought about leaving her but I'll take her with me. As if it’s my test.”
M: “Whenever u need us we’re here. But think about your decision.”
Azize: “I'm upset and hurt you, forgive me.”
➡️Two things I didn’t like in this scene to be honest:
1) I can’t understand the writer's choice to make Azra take care of Füsun. Füsun tried to kill Miran and even Azra herself.
Füsun killed ReyMir twin baby, she gave the orders to kill Hazar and wanted to kill Miran (for a 2nd time). Although being tied to a wheelchair and paralyzed for a lifetime, did she deserve to be looked after by her daughter that she abandoned as a newborn?
While D., a real victim, is locked away& forgotten at this point? This was a very bad choice for me. F. could have or should have been brought to an asylum&in fact her right place would even be prison. Dying alone as a price for the great sins she has committed.
2) We get a scene in which Azize asks for forgiveness to Azra while an apology and asking for forgiveness is still missing towards Reyyan and Miran.
R: “What is happening here?”
Asye: “Today is important for Umut bey.”
R: “Look, your dad said he doesn't do anything. But look what he did.”
M: “My souls.”
R: “I kissed you, but I am angry, you said we wouldn’t do something big.”
M: “For dad he’s watching us.”
R: “I am afraid and I don’t understand why there is such a party for circumcision.”
M: “There is nothing to be afraid of. We would have waited, if there wasn’t the infection. Let me show you the outfit for our son, the doctor comes soon.”
➡️So many things to say about this scene. I loved how we got to see birds, I guess doves of peace, as a part of the decoration of Umut’s circumcision party, knowing that Reyyan loves birds so much and dove of peace because peace should finally come to Umut konak.
I loved that Miran organized a big party because if you remember, Hazar told Reyyan “I will organize such a big party with drums and everything” when you come back from Istanbul to celebrate my grandson.
We also understand that they don’t wait for Zehra or for more time to pass (they are still mourning the death of Hazar) because Umut has an infection.
I saw many of you making a parallel of R. escaping in the opening scene of ep. 1 from Shadolgu mansion&now holding her son being the lady of her own mansion. A very beautiful parallelism, yet I would like to link this scene also to the opening scene of S3 in ep. 39.
We heard for the first time the mystic music that was being played and now also in this scene. Back then we heard Reyyan’s off voice: “My love has grown from the roots again. At the place where I thought I was going to die, I came back to life again.
At first I was ripped open, then I began to live again like a thousand years old tree. Because I was hoping. I never gave up, I never refused. They say that the worst thing is fear, but hope, even fear will overcome. I have seen and experienced it.
I didn’t trust anyone, I believed only the hope within myself. Thanks to hope, I found my way in the dark. I was not mistaken.
To remember R’s word when she said she never gave up hope&now she walks with her Umut in her arms down the beautiful Umut konak really got me emotional. In episode 39 she said she came back to life again [thanks to Miran] in the place she died +
+ but remember she said to Umut in episode 66 “I breathe your scent, everything that bothered me was left behind, thanks to you. You were born and I was born again, with you. Your father did everything for our lives''.
So whereas before she said “I came back to life in the place she had died” now we know she also says “everything that bothered me was left behind, thanks to you” meaning she even was able to forget about revenge because she is holding her mucize.
Azize: “Every day you will pray that the Lord will take your life and you will be delivered. I will consider each day a blessing for myself, I will console myself. You destroyed me. First you killed my grandchild, then my son.
You killed those closest to me. But thanks to me, you will live peacefully until the end of your life. Azra will look after you, but she will never love you. This is your punishment.”
➡️Well, well, well, if this wasn’t the last scene of the villain’s of Hercai and what a scene it was. I couldn’t help but think also about Azize’s words towards Reyyan in her wedding dress: “Is it so easy to die? Your hell is just beginning.
You are burning, feel such a heartache, feel it.” And in a way she said the same thing to Füsun because sometimes staying alive is a much bigger punishment than to die. And this also reconnects to Miran’s words in the woods when Azize was about to shoot Füsun:
“Don’t become her salvation by killing her”.
Death is seen as a reward because you don’t have to leave with the feeling of your resentment and guilt.
R: “What are you doing here don’t come without saying?”
Y: “I didn’t eat your baby.”
R: “You’re still talking like that. Whatever happened to you is because of your black heart. But there is no old Reyyan. Go,I don’t want to raise my voice.”
➡️The way I loved Reyyan in “fighter mood” and “moma lion mood” in this scene. What I was also wondering: a whole week has passed and no one thought to bring Yaren to see a psychologist? Or were they afraid she would confess to that person she killed Harun?
N: “Isn’t this the watch Hazar bought you?”
C: “In the market there is a watchmaker. I liked it and ran to dad and wanted it but he didn’t buy it.”
N: “Because I bought one and you broke it on purpose.”
C: “I was sad and two days later I woke up and found it beside me and my brother smiling at the door. I want to give it to Umut, Miran.”
➡️A very emotional scene: Miran had only a little bit of earth from the grave that belongs to Hazar and "no object" that belonged to his father.
Now, thanks to his uncle, his own son inherited a watch from his dead father and the watch itself carries a great symbolic meaning: to know the value of time - to know the value of life. ❤️💔❤️💔❤️💔
Aslanbey mansion is now yours, R. Do with it what you want. Either live in it or leave it to charity. If you take it, I'll be very happy. All bad things started when this door was opened. I hope that closing this door serves as a reason for good events.
R: “Thank you, the best decision is to leave it to the foundation.”
➡️What can I say: I must admit that I was moved by this gift from Azize to Reyyan. And I got goosebumps thinking what all happened in that mansion to start with.
Adding the mansion to the foundation and making it a place where girls would be happy, extended Miran’s intention of his Valentine’s day gift to Reyyan too. Back then he said:
“The foundation as a place for all Reyyans, Elifs and Dilshas but adding the mansion it will include a place for: all Gonüls, Esmas, Sultans and even all Ayses.
Azize: “I couldn’t be innocent Ayse. The darkness always found me. My biggest enemy turned out to be inside of me. Now it's time to go. I opened so many doors, harmed so many ppl. I leave a paradise to which I don't belong.
I am leaving bcs I'm the devil who penetrated the angels. Bcs I hurt good people. I opened so many doors for bad deeds. I leave, having closed the doors that I could close. I am leaving because due to Azize, Ayse’s son Hazar died. It pierced my heart like a dagger.
I leave with the pain of losing my son. Farewell my beautiful family, to which I don’t belong. Farewell.
➡️What an incredible scene! Azize who realised she could not become Ayse or rather could only try to be Ayse as long as Hazar was alive.
That darkness has eaten her up from the inside and that she herself is to blame for that. And here again I had to think about Reyyan’s words of ep. 49 which she said to Gönül: “I didn’t curse anyone, I will not. Be calm!
I always tried to live as if no one ever blackened my heart.” Meaning, if we give the power to others to destroy our inner peace, sooner or later we will all turn dark. Azize’s lines here: “my biggest enemy turned out to be inside of me”, is what R. with her belief +
did not let happen to her heart and to her soul. She never gave up even in the hardest moments and she stood up for herself but without harming other people. Because by harming other people, your actions lastly backfires only
at yourself as we see and hear now in Azize’s words, she is unable to get out of her own darkness.
➡️All I am gonna say is: did you see that the devil wears red? And Reyyan's face was not shock that Yaren shot Harun bcs she knows she is crazy!R. was shaking bcs that mad woman held Umut a few hours ago&could have harmed him.
➡️I must say I am confused about who has called the police and who has told them that Yaren killed Harun. So my bet at this point is on Handan. It would be a way of redeeming her character.
Handan delayed following Y., I mean she left her walking with a gun in her hand and didn’t start screaming to warn the others? She might have called the police herself and told them about Yaren and that she killed Harun. She herself said to Cihan: I am so very tired.
And with this it’s a wrap my dears.💜
Thank u as always for reading. I hope I will be able to write my last thread also for episode 69. In case I won’t, I'll tell you now: hoşçakal my friends. It was a pleasure and an honor that more and more people started reading +
+ my threads with every week that was passing by. I will always remember your kindness and warmth.
All my love, Lu

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More from @luciame16

14 Apr
Some thoughts on episode 67 of #Hercai

Oh sweetheart. Separation is to love what the wind is to the fire:
the little one will go out, the big one will make it stronger.

And know well, oh heart, love is crossing a sea of ​​fire in a candle boat, you can never cross without burning yourself.
~ Hz. Mevlana

I know I am repetitive but the way Ebru is able to portray a mother’s feeling without really being herself a mother yet amazes me every time.
Read 146 tweets
7 Apr
Some thoughts on episode 66 of #Hercai

Sometimes endless trouble rain down on you. But remember, a rainbow of colors appears after the rain.
~ Hz. Mevlana

If last week Ebru made me cry so much, this week she made me cry even more. The way Ebru portrayed the happiness of a young mother who’s happiness was taken away from her only a few hours after she escaped death.
Reyyan’s desperate screaming and crying for Hazar will probably haunt me the same way the morning after the wedding haunts me. Ebru delivered masterfully!
Read 176 tweets
31 Mar
Some thoughts on episode 65 of #Hercai

Wait a moment, turn around and remember what you forgot.
Call if you are lost, ask forgiveness if you broke it, forgive if you broke.
Because life is too short.
~ Şems’s Tebriz

My praise goes like every week to Ebru and Akin. The way they make us dream ReyMir’s dream with our eyes open even after 65 episodes is simply admirable and incredible. Thank you!
And of course special praise goes to Ebru for interpreting a labor scene in probably one of the most realistic ways I have ever seen it and this at her young age and first leading role. Kudos Ebru!💜
#EbruŞahin #Hercai
Read 152 tweets
24 Mar
Some thoughts on E.64 of #Hercai
If coincidence hadn’t brought u in front of me, I’d have lived in the same way, but oblivious to everything
U taught me that there’s another kind of life in the world,that I also have a soul
Every week I think that #EbruŞahin and #AkınAkınözü can’t surpass themselves but I think we all agree that they did in episode 64. I have no words left to say but only that I will forever love #ReyMir and the feelings these two can evoc together on screen.
The way they both execute their work and role with love, dedication and respect will never cease to amaze me. And the best summary for episode 64 is: watch and feel it. 💘
Read 157 tweets
17 Mar
Some thoughts on ep. 63 of #Hercai

“And know that, on this heart which I dressed with love, I made a promise,
I have not sacrificed any letter or a sentence without you.
~ Şemsi Tabrizi

I guess I'm not bothering you if I talk about the special ReyMir beauty Ebru&Akin had in episode 63. What keeps me in awe and amaze is how they are still able after 63 episode to make it look like that ReyMir fall in love with each other every day more&more.
I lost count on how many times I replayed the solo ReyMir scenes in this epi. It’s so visible on the screen how much they love their characters&this is projected onto the tv screen&what they deliver to us week after week. Thank u for this magic, thank u for ur devotion.
Read 119 tweets
10 Mar
Some thoughts on ep. 62 of #Hercai

You are what u are looking for.
If u aren’t looking for the mansion of life, let it be.
If u are looking for a bite of bread, be bread.
If u are looking for a drop of water, be silent
~ Rumi
If you are after persecution, you are cruel.
If you are looking for love, you are love.
You are whatever your heart is drawn to.
~ Rumi
My praise goes to Ebru and Akin like every week.
I loved Ebru in the dramatic scenes, I loved Ebru in the funny scenes, I loved Ebru the way she was one of the most beautiful and breathtaking brides I ever have seen.
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