Your witness Tuesday, @ChrisCoons Parliament even went back and asked her about it again a few months ago but she couldn't remember. ***If*** I misled Parliament, I would very well remember it.
Your witness Tuesday, @chriscoons. she also got to be in the stack of policy/lobbying execs who advised the decision on the shooting and looting post. because she's content policy!
Your witness Tuesday, @ChrisCoons. Anyway, just a heads up on what you're getting. Although I expect this House hearing also informs with a lot of the same witnesses.
Senate hearing underway. Nice to see @BostonJoan connecting data protection and antitrust with misinformation. "needs an overhaul, so that companies are not able to siphon data and leverage it to maximize an advantage over consumers."
"This is because Facebook knew, even back then, that their products could threaten privacy on a scale society had never reckoned with before." again noting risks and harms. misinformation downstream from them. @tim_cook Apple also understands this hence 14.5.
"We have to prepare for the worst here." - VP, ad chief
"I think there is a real chance this is a very bad moment for us" - VP
"how long can we get away with the reach overestimation?"
"This is a lawsuit waiting to happen." /1
These are statements in "Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only" evidence unsealed in a Facebook fraud case over weekend. In Feb, FB had framed the complaint to press as "cherry-picked" but we can now see full threads including Facebook COO, CFO, and half-dozen senior VPs. /2
Quick explainer (1 of 3): Measurement issues were an ongoing issue according to COO Sandberg to CFO Wehner. And an analyst had now noted Facebook's projected numbers in its advertising planning tools were even larger than actual people (using the US census). /2
So this is a super backstory on Apple’s privacy enhancement rolling out. Importantly, the reporters (@MikeIsaac@jacknicas get the nuance up top in properly framing “tracking” and so does @tim_cook in his response to Facebook CEO Zuckerberg. 1/2…
Understanding this distinction is why adtech lobby and Facebook’s hypocrisy claims here are empty. Google search is collecting data when the user intends to interact with it. It’s an antitrust issue of course but it’s different than Facebook’s “tracking.” 2/2
ps and Facebook’s reward for spreading false info in private meetings with ad clients, hiring Definers, attacking Apple, is they get to (once again) be the poster child of surveillance as Apple rolls this out 48 hours prior to Facebook earnings. 🤣
woah exhibit 16. more Facebook docs quietly unsealed yesterday - it gets worse. A full, damning senior execs' email thread (CFO, COO) unsealed. Facebook slowed unsealings in this fraud case and spun it as "cherrypicking."
Top marketing exec, Carolyn Everson, weighs in here. /1
exhibit 16 (one of 75 in the case) is an entire thread of senior executives - probably why they classified as "Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only". It is most damning IMHO and entirely blows up Facebook's "taken out of context" narrative. /2
We've learned in this case why "SUMA" was such a sensitive topic. I believe it stands for Single User Multiple Accounts. Here is a part of another thread when metrics issue broke and Facebook CFO Wehner flagged with COO Sandberg who says she believes they need to address it. /3
Good convo now, @carolecadwalla doing a good explanation to @sinanaral@mit_ide on how Facebook also hacks press attention who try to hold them accountable. Even the review of the Cambridge Analytica case has been rewritten to match Facebook's narrative.…
not many besides @carolecadwalla could connect Facebook's press strategy with last week's 530mm breach to the allegations of misleading the press, covering-up harms and business risk in the SEC complaint that was buried at the same hour of the 2019 $5 billion FTC settlement.
now discussion the "oversight board." I personally would expect increasing attention to the Trump decision in the coming days fed by Facebook seeking a "reality show" environment where all outrage can be defected towards this "outside" board. Again, attention hacking.