God says “Do good and I will reward you. Every deed, even as small as a mustard seed will be counted. I am the best accountant, trust me.”
Muslims do not trust God.
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They trust those they have appointed associates of God, who tell them doing this gets you so many points, doing that gets you so many points... and if you'd do this on a certain day, night, or month, you get so many extra points.
God says “I will teach you, explain to you, and guide you if you ask for it. I have the truth and the best explanation, and you will not find a Guide better than Me”
Muslims do not trust God.
They trust those they have appointed associates of God, who tell them that The Prophet, his sahaba, his sunna, his hadiths, imams, and ulamas teach you, explain to you the Quran, and guide you.
God says "The Qur'an is sufficient Guidance, I did not leave anything out of it, and it is perfect."
Muslims do not trust God.
They trust those they have appointed associates of God, who tell them that there is something missing, and the missing details are in other books.
Present-day Muslims who do not study history think that Quranists are a new movement.
However, the 𝘔𝘶'𝘵𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 (in the 8th century) and 𝘈𝘩𝘭 𝘢𝘭-𝘬𝘢𝘭𝘢̄𝘮 before them, were opponents of Imam Al-Shafi‘i ...
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...and his principle that the final authority of Islam was the hadith of Muhammad, so that even the Qur'an was "to be interpreted in the light of [the hadith], and not vice versa."
𝘈𝘩𝘭 𝘢𝘭-𝘬𝘢𝘭𝘢̄𝘮 argued to the contrary, that the book of God was an explanation of everything (16:89), and that verses in the Qur'an ordering Muslims to obey the Messenger meant that Muslims should obey the Qur'an, which God had revealed through Muhammad.
Malays say they are falling behind other ethnic groups in many fields. They seem to think that it is all because the non-Malays are in control of the economy and the country.
The solutions offered to them by their political and religious leaders are the same; they were told that they must unite and that they must follow the real teachings of their religion. It is the same advice given to them all these years since independence.
It did not work out to help the Malays and the poor. How much more unity can the Malays achieve, and how much more Islamic can they be?
I wish to offer the Malays a new practical solution to their problems.
In the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s, we were closer towards developing a Malaysian identity. Much like what Singapore has successfully done.
Singaporeans (even the Chinese) are Singaporeans first.
Then in the late 70s, we were inflicted with the "religious" creep.
We also had the "ketuanan" creep.
In between, we had the "language" creeps.
Now after 40 years of all this creep, we are becoming a creepy nation. Full of creeps.
Sadly all the creeps are still going nowhere. As more and more time passes they are becoming more and more disenfranchised and removed from the real world.
They are becoming less and less relevant.
Why can't these folks just be normal human beings?
Recently, I raised the issue of child marriage amongst Muslims, and I asked this "scientist" how old he believed Aisha was when she was married to Prophet Muhammad. He said "9".
We "know" this because it is mentioned in the hadith that the marriage was when she was 6, but the consummation took place when she was 9.
Then I said I do not believe that because ...
1) the Qur'an has laid down guidelines on how to determine if a girl is eligible to marry (not the onset of menses - but the ability to manage their own finances, the ability to give their own consent, and the ability to enter into a legal contract) AND
Yes to freedom. If it were me, I'd say Samuel Paty is a martyr of freedom.
Imam Chalgoumi has been for very long years now the voice of respect and tolerance, always standing up for republic laws and values.
He's also a stark defender of the Jewish community, fighting antisemitism that others try to revive. He fights for the spiritual side against the political ideology some want to impose on France.