It's an incredible thing that a work of human scientific genius like the mRNA vaccine is regularly traduced by the liars and low-lifes who sell supplements.
More about supplements from 2009. Under the Trump administration, enforcement of supplement safety regulations became even more lax.…
Only a very few weeks ago, Fox News was indignant at the thought that anyone might dare to police other people's heads and faces.…
Refuse service to people who wear Trump head gear onto your private property? Outrageous! Accost people in the public street about their non-Trump face gear? Serves them right!…
I'm finding quite a lot of these Fox stories about the right to wear a MAGA hat onto other people's property - even as Fox is tonight upholding the right of MAGA people to police what other people wear in public streets.…
@TheAtlantic The story is set in Harris County, Texas (greater Houston). Texas GOP hopes to repeal innovations that promoted record voting in 2020.
Now the paradox: 2/x
@TheAtlantic Harris County, target of GOP voter suppression in 2021, is one of the counties where the Latino vote swung most sharply to Trump in 2020.… 3/x
You can watch the 2000 Bush climate-change speech below. It's an amalgam of discordant elements as you will hear if you listen. 2/x…
Most of the Bush energy team was committed to a future of expanding fossil fuels use, including more coal. But two on the team - Gary Edson and John Bridgeland - were equally strongly committed to the climate-change issue. They got their language into the Saginaw speech. 3/x
Those critics object that the unvaccinated can imperil others as well as themselves. Understood and accepted. That's true now - will be true for some time to come. 2/x
My thread was talking about a pair of hypotheticals:
1) "IF" the vaccines work as well as they seem to do; and
2) "IF" the US continues to make progress toward double vaccination of most of the population ...
@jbarro Trump got himself vaccinated early, in secret. But his rhetorical energy was concentrated on abusing the public-health professionals leading the vaccine effort.
Likewise ... 2/x
@jbarro Rupert Murdoch got himself vaccinated in December 2020 at a British NHS clinic, three weeks before even the Queen (and head of the British state). Yet Murdoch too has used his power to discourage others from protecting themselves as he protected himself.
In 2016, poor health strongly predicted Trump voting. A county's rate of diabetes, alcohol consumption, obesity, etc. predicted its propensity to vote Trump *even better* than race/education.…
I think of that grim relationship between Trump and sickness as I read the latest stories about how so many Republicans continue to refuse COVID vaccines. 2/x…
As @DKThomp points out, vaccine refusal is especially strong among younger Republicans 3/x