How to use free social media traffic to find buyers that will spend freely...
Some few days back, I dropped a tweet about how a lot of merchants who depend on free social media traffic are attracting broke followers who end up sharing their stuff with more broke followers.
So, someone asked - "How do I avoid broke people and attract people who have money to spend on what I sell?"
And this is my reply:
The focus keyword here is ATTRACT
Since we are talking about social media traffic, then the first thing is to have an idea of how they all work.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc all work based on an algorithm.
This algorithm studies what you are interested in based on your behaviour - E.g. people you follow, what you like etc.
(i) As usual, some people don't think. Some were busy plugging in their hustle in the comments regardless if it fits or not. When will those people learn?
(ii) Many of the responses show that many people really need to update their money/business knowledge.
I were given access to an audience of 250,000 (25-40) women who have money to buy stuff and what you want to sell to them is "sanitary pads?"