Many of you have sent dms to me asking for scholarship info. Let me make some general statements about Scholarship Applications.
1. When you see people post success stories about scholarships and admissions, know that they have been
through many failures. One success is just enough to cancel I million failures. So, it's important that you ask them about their journey, more importantly about their failures.
2. Don't expect that you must be successful in every scholarship application. Personally, my failures in this scholarship journey are more than successes. Scholarship is not meant for the most intelligent. It is for the resilient, dogged, and smart. So, be prepared to fail.
3. Many of you are expecting feedback from many scholarship applications. Don't be too anxious, be prepared to get a 'love letter' and be ready to learn and move on. If you relent, there are thousands willing to move on.
What's your gain? Will you give up after so much energy, time, and resources?
4. When you fail, please ask people for feedback. Let them tell you what you did wrong. Talk to people. This will further ignite your passion. Scholarship is not for the weak.
5. When your success comes, it always seems as if you are the first to get it. Do not ENVY anyone.
The people you give scholarship info may get it before you. That should not stop you from spreading information. You are training yourself to be selfless.
In Part B, we will be talking about University Recommended MEXT.
This is how it works:
First, you have to check for all schools in Japan using: If you have a particular city preference, go to the Universities in those cities and check their official
websites. Every school has the University-Recommended MEXT page on their official website.
This is where you will see all the requirements, eligibility, benefits, application rounds, Language proficiency requirement, health, Nationality, and visa requirements.
2. Go to their department and/senate building to inquire about their transcript: They should ask them how best to get their transcripts ASAP. If they can get it before leaving school finally, that will be very good.
Getting transcripts is one of the biggest reasons-
In case you still don't believe that a 2 2 student can get a scholarship, read this:
This is one of the testimonies from the FREE mentorship class we started last year by @AdeleyeSamuelA and I.
(No entrance into that class again, so don't come to my dm to ask.)
1. Second Class Lower 2. Did GRE and TOEFL 3. Sent more than 200 Emails 4. Did WES Evaluation 4. Learnt how to send emails and ask the right questions from the group.
When I met her, I told her to remove her CGPA from her CV and dig deep into the professor's research so as to
send a very captivating email.
Her proposed supervisor single-handedly followed up on her matter after a very nice zoom meeting.
Well, the rest, as they say, is history.
She will be sent an official email from the Grad school that has all the benefits soon.