"The U.S. isn’t the only country that until now has withheld support for the waiver. The EU, U.K., Japan, Switzerland, Brazil and Norway also have resisted the push. However, supporters of the waiver argue that U.S. leadership on the issue could help sway other holdouts."
Humanity owes India, South Africa, and 100 other countries - as well as all the US legislators and grassroots activists - a debt of gratitude for pushing US to retain said humanity. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/…
Here's more detail on the growing People Before Profits caucus in Congress.
That's what the @JosephEStiglitz@WallachLori piece gets at well. This is not about a perfect sequencing of the correct technical solutions - it's about power. Change the power dynamics and there's a lotta technical pathways to the right place.
There should be no request from the US to get anything from developing countries for the immediate COVID vaccine flexibilities.
However, going forward, if the US shows willingness to expand those flexibilities, it will create something we haven't had since the 1990s: stuff to bargain over. Give on IPR, get on green industrial policy subsidies - times a variable geometry of dozens of issues.
Thirteen senators call on Biden to temporarily suspend Buy American waivers for trade agreement partners, noting "this crisis has demonstrated the risks of long foreign supply chains."
This presidential discretion is built into the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, which greenlit the waivers in the first place. No statutory change needed. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/19…
While some will bemoan the symbolism of closing procurement opportunities for allies, the reality is that: a) there doesn't appear to much uptake of this anyway; and gao.gov/products/gao-1…
The Trump and Biden administrations have significantly expanded export controls, which prohibit the unlicensed export of certain products or information.
Biden has also called for modernization of international trade rules.
Also from Sept. 2020, here's a note on Jamaica contemplating same, after a debate in 2016 around deplatforming her as Jamaican head of state. express.co.uk/news/royal/133…
If EU countries pulled out of the Energy Charter Treaty tomorrow, fossil fuel companies could still sue them for decarbonization efforts for 20 (!!) years. politico.eu/article/energy…
That gets uncomfortably close to the EU's 2050 target date for attaining carbon neutrality. ec.europa.eu/clima/policies…