#ラムザイヤー教授の慰安婦論文は覆せない #LeeJinhee of @eiu who has been making despicable character attacks on Professor Ramseyer of Harvard University for 3 months, is playing victim in Korean newspapers, saying that she is being attacked by Prof Ramseyer.🔥🔥
@SherrondaJBrown was asked by a Chinese @cryptidrecluse to tweet an article by a Chinese Rui Hua to Blacks in the West, then replied to @cryptidrecluse to prove that she tweeted it and got paid.
And in Africa, China's economic cooperation does not benefit the country.
@SherrondaJBrown@cryptidrecluse@Les_The_Great@BusyContinent China has 100 million privileged, 300 million middle class, and 1 billion slaves. The slave class Chinese in the peasant register are limited in where they live and have no freedom of choice in their occupation. This is communism.
Because when talking about Racism in Western societies,you used Japan's annexation of Korea as an example.
This is completely wrong as a metaphor.
@kim_siever You seem to be unable to understand that racism in your country is a completely different story from the choices made between 2 nations during the imperialist era.
@kim_siever The US annexed Hawaii by force.
But Japan did not annex Korea by force, but by Treaty.
This is completely different from the story of the West's armed conquest of Asia, Africa,South America
The United States had started a war against Japan without a declaration of war before Pearl Harbor.
Have you never heard of the Flying Tigers?
And not only Mao Zedong, but also Chiang Kai-shek was a Soviet dog.
Chiang Kai-shek's son, Chiang Ching-kuo, studied in the Soviet Union, married a Soviet woman who was a watchdog, and lived in the Soviet Union for a long time as a hostage.
Don’t you know that the Venona documents were deciphered in the 1990s?
There were over 300 Soviet spies in the Roosevelt administration, including Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White.
@kim_siever What Whites did to Asians and Africans for 300 years and what Japan did in Taiwan, Korea and the South Sea Islands are completely different.
Don't use Japan to justify the colonization of Asians Africans by Whites.
@kim_siever No country that was a Western colony is an industrial country. Because a colony is to use the local people as mere labor force without giving them any education.
@kim_siever Annexation means to treat the local people as citizens. In comparison, now Taiwan and Korea are the world's leading industrial nations. Because Japan educated them as it'scitizens.
If the treated water, which has been lowered to 1/7th of the tritium concentration standard for drinking water set by WHO, cannot be released into the ocean, all countries in the world will not be able to discharge even tap water into the ocean.
Qatar's state-run broadcaster, Al Jazeera, spread South Korean propaganda about comfort women (wartime prostitutes) last month.