Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language. I use this a lot to quickly generate Swift models from server JSON response. It generates very elegant enum handling and optiona
I need to convert time intervals and handle timezone very often, and somehow this website keep showing up in my search results, so I've been using it every since. Works great so far
This is very handy for iOS developers dealing with Auto Layout. I know SwiftUI is the future but many still have to struggle with Auto Layout on a daily basis. This tool helps demystify many tricky cases #iosdev
Besides coming up with a good idea and building the app, there are many other things you can do to boost your apps' visibility #iosdev
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🧑🎨 Apple Human Interface Guidelines
HIG provides in-depth information and resources to design great apps. Not only you learn the fundamental of colors and fonts, you also learn how elements are used in Apple own apps as best practices
My most favorite session every WWDC is watching Apple Design Award. Learn how awesome apps demo design, innovation, and technology on Apple platforms, and why @Apple decide they deserve the price
I've done some #SwiftUI lately for @pushheroapp@PastePalApp , and amazed by how easy and fun it is to make apps. If you want to get into SwiftUI but don't know where to start, here are my recommended resources #iosdev
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1) First thing first is @Apple official guides. Apple has done a stunning job to make SwiftUI tutorials fun and interactive
1) Core Data is more than just SQLite wrapper, it manages objects, relationships, fetching, faulting, ...
2) Having 2 context: 1 main and 1 background that are both backed by the persistent coordinator. In modern Core Data stack, NSPersistentContainer has default viewContext already, we just need another newBackgroundContext
1) Scratch your own itch. If you don't have any itch to scratch, stop here. This is awkward. Go travelling. Go exploring the world. The world always has problems and needs solution.
2) Build any service, app or website. Along the way you'll find tons of things you need that and unsolved by existing solutions, and tons of things you can improve upon.
3) Sign up for some paid newsletters to find ideas. This is the worst. This is like someone browsing through a tatoo catalog. You're doing things for trend, for money, not for your self drive 👎
1) "earning up to $1 million" means proceeds, not sales. This is what we get after Apple's cut. "up to" means $999.999
2) "if they earned up to $1 million in proceeds during the previous calendar year". This means that if $1M is surpassed, the standard rate (30%) kicks in for the rest of the year, and also next year.