The problem is the premise American individualism rests on. That every human individual must be given precedence over the commons in the eyes of justice.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 In the past, those making relevant decisions could claim ignorance of the inflexibility of magnanimous malignant narcissists. That’s no longer an available excuse.
Faith, not science, brought us the belief that ALL lives are sacred and capital punishment must be abolished.
We use common law and precedent rather than science and evidence to decide punishment of individuals. As a deterrent for other individuals. Weak and futile attempts to deter future transgressions of treason.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 And then complain when that isn’t sufficient to prevent harm of innocents these malignant human beings repeatedly cause.
We have faith that everyone is redeemable if only we ask for the grace of god. Yet god thus far has been unwilling to mend these souls’ minds of radicalism.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 We purport the value of scientific evidence on which to make decisions about covid, yet shun it when there are volumes of available evidence telling us the redemption of malignant narcissists is as yet unattainable. At best their behaviour can be mitigated.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 We unleash these human shaped monsters on unsuspecting societies who believe the system is designed to protect the public. But it’s not. It’s designed to protect the mentally unstable, criminally incompetent and magnanimous evil strongmen of the world.
And you have the audacity to blame the court system which is a reflection of the cultural, social and political culture that designed it.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 I appreciate my individualism too. But I also know and ACCEPT it comes with a caveat. My choices need to be measured against the cost to the commons. And there is a very large fence within which I’m free. But there are lines that can’t be crossed. They harm the commons.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 American libertarian culture removed the fences, then wonders why so many have wandered into taboo territory. 🤦🏻♀️
The issue is NOT punishment. It’s refusal of the public to accept caging those who prefer to behave like rabid animals.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 Until a CURE for malignant narcissism is developed, there are two options to deal with political leaders who are also malignant narcissists and attempt or conduct treasonous activity for personal gain at the expense of humanity.
One psychologically messed up individual’s liberty should not come before every other human being’s right to life.
It’s really not that difficult to understand.
@ObamaLeaf@Strandjunker@alicemaried2 If you can’t abide by the social contract required to live within a civilization, if you continue to attempt to take control of all others within a civilization, you forfeit your liberty permanently.
That’s accountability. Not a lengthy jail sentence. Justice is not punishment.
Section 1 of the Constitution of Canada gives governments the authority and responsibility to override freedom and liberty in a limited number of situations. A global deadly pandemic is one of those situations.
However, Christian Nationalists, paleolibertarians and white supremacists have partnered to use Covid public health restrictions to further their agenda and consolidate power and support.
Not just in Alberta. Not just in Canada. But across North America and many other locations.
My narrative hasn’t changed in two years. Because UCP and other Canadian Dominionist Christians haven’t changed.
The conservative parties in Canada have been overtaken by Christian Nationalists.
Please read in totality.
Information about complex complicated problems doesn’t come in memes or short tweets.
I’ve known what has been happening for a long time. This mega thread demonstrates how accurate my research is. I’m not a crank or a conspiracy theorist.
Far right politicians are not just cruel and sadistic for the fun of it.
There is a “method to their madness.”
Mental manipulation is occurring on a global scale.
Covid has been harnessed as a convenient bio weapon.
Continued exacerbation of covid is intentional. It’s not “natural” herd immunity they’re after. It’s also not ignorance or ineptitude driving their policy choices.
They know the outcomes those policies are intended to produce.
@tomwatson The pandemic, and its exacerbation, have been harnessed by far right politicians to inflict trauma for precisely that reason. To produce widespread ongoing mental anguish.
Our senses are overwhelmed. We’re isolated, longing for human contact, like our DNA wiring demands.
@tomwatson As described by Timothy Snyder, the aim is to discombobulate, drive home governments can’t help you, and infliction of violence on others is your only choice to feel any sense of free agency. While the powers that be take control.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s conservative’s way to discredit academia and expertise all in one shot. Convince academics to sell out every ounce (grams of your metric) of integrity to push disinformation for political gain of far right political parties.
Many will read Michael Geist’s opinion and not read the actual bill being proposed.
They’ll trust his assessment without checking themselves. Believing he’s non partisan and has years of expertise and experience.
How about you arrest and incarcerate the insurrectionists before you ask Canada to reopen the border. We don’t need any more extremists than we already have thank you very much.
It’s not you, it’s your domestic extremism problem that is clearly out of hand. It’s your Pentagon, Senate and Congress that’s harbouring seditionists and traitors. Your out of control social media and penchant to allow hate speech as free.
It’s already influenced enough of the Canadian citizenry for my liking. And most of the Canadian electorate agrees.
How about you tone down the toxic rhetoric coming from far right conspiracy theorists and over zealous progressive left libertarians?