The Hebrews to Negroes documentary is incredibly flawed. Smatterings of fact mixed w/lots of conjecture&mistakes. I've been to West Africa7 times. This is Western centric history disguised as empowerment not a genuine account of cultural connections betwn ancient Africa&Israel.
"All of our struggles in America are a result of the curse of Israel..." not at all was the commodication of African knowledge and bodies; economic&social exploitation, cultural genocide, and overall psychological abuse during a time of mercantile excess.
It posits all social*cultural issues as the product of a curse originating in Devarim/Deuteronomy. I understand WHY. I understand the frustration w/ double standard&injustice&the imbalances we face.u often ask yourself as an African descendant why we suffer so much everywhere.
I'm #Jewish ok? I wasn't going to tweet this's the sweet and sour I exist in. I met a very nice lady at the kosher grocery store who told me that they didn't have lulavim/etrogim but that her community was giving them to those who needed and told me where to go (1)
We went to the place, I had a kippa on and didn't sound out of place but the first thing was one of the boys with the adults (I'm not going to speculate why) ran off screaming in terror and while the adults present were direct and fairly cordial they did not respond to (2)
To me saying #ChagSameach or wishing them a gut Shabbos . I tried to say goodbye a second time and thank you but was ignored and kinda got weird looks.
Like. I didn't pull out my book or show my credentials or achievements. I was just a Jew inquiring about the arba minim. (3)
One of my big influences for #Koshersoul is a book called Miriam's Kitchen.
And I'm going to bring this book up often because it shows a discrepancy between the way some ppl might view my book vs. Others (1)
Food memoir is very personal, vulnerable and raw. Cookbooks are manuals with hopefully some personal, cultural or regional context. If you don't want food memoir, don't read it. But really don't use cookbook expectations on food menoir.
#Jewish we aren't just traumas and issues&"oh hell whats up with them now..." we are our joys and things that are happy or peaceful or satisfying& substantial.
50 Joys of Jewish, a thread. 1. Its the smell of challah baking or warming on Friday.
2. It's the nod and smile when I wear a kippa from another brother in a kuffi. 3. It's getting a random ride when I'm standing in the rain. 4. --singing Debbie Friedman songs
5.--never mourning alone
6.--the sound of Ladino
7.--Morroccan Rosh Hashanah dinner
8.--how bright the table looks on the 8th night of Hannukah
9.--the release of complaining 10. --crossword puzzles and word games that get grandfathered into your (religion)
11.--the satisfaction of doing things for over 3500 years
12.--Tiffany Haddish is your fam
I'm a #Black Gay Jew. #VotingRights are under attack,synagogues are being attacked, Nazis are here, #HBCUs being threatened, Black& #Jewish &Gay authors are seeing our books banned under false pretense.some schools will ban discussion of LGBTQ issues. We are hurting. Im hurting.
There's a difference between that sanctimonious bullshit about "victimhood," (imma tell you how to feel after making your life hell) and living under constant pressure from people who don't like you just for being who you can't help but be.
I am worried about everyone. Immigrants from Haiti and Latin America, disabled folks ignored in this COVID era, Muslim families split apart, women losing rights, equal pay and authority over their own bodies, trans ppl feeling unsafe. People are still hungry&homeless.
#WhoopiGoldberg ok. So this tweet is about dialogue...
The comment Whoopi made was myopic and uninformed at best, but its based on American not Hitler's Germany issues. To many Jews are a faith community, or assimilation into "whiteness," in America has made them "white" but...
Anti-Semitism really is about Jews as a distinct, racial group that bear in their genes was coined by a racial anti-Semite. I use Anti-Jewish also to describe issues with the religious part of Jewish peoplehood, Judaism.
Jews were seen by the Nazis as a "mongrel" race because they ranged in phenotype and reflected origins as a mixed people. There were seen as imposters if similar in phenotype or invaders if not. You couldn't win.